She totally made fun of me being a nanny for someone older than me. For me now I see this could be a better job. Guess I'll be learning more than the nanny job I'll be doing.

Tucking myself in bed was enough to bring a good sleep. 10 pm, 11pm,12 o'clock.. Still I wasn't able to sleep. I had to pretend that I was sleeping when Gabby came in. Kept thinking about what I'll do concerning the situation at hand. If I mess this up, it will be like loosing everything. That meant I'll be going back to New York.

"Shit!" I cursed kicking my duvet away.

Lucky for me I didn't wake Gabby up. She was sound asleep. That girl, she sleeps like a log.

Making my way to where my computer was, I started pushing few keys on the keyboard. Soon I was reading all about the customs of China and Australia. I made few notes for basic reminders. I learned a lot from my research. The knowledge I had at the moment assured me I'll be able to get the job done. Later I retired to bed contented with my discovery.

I woke up earlier than usual. Did my morning routine and even went to an extent of making breakfast.

"Seems you woke up in a good mood, nanny Anny... Wow it has a nice ring to it... Nanny Anny." she spoke in a teasing tone.

"Call me that one more time and I swear..."

"You'll do what... Nanny Anny." she chipped in.

"god!! Sit before I change my mind and eat all this." I sighed loudly at the end of the statement.

I did a wonderful job in making a quick breakfast meal Since that's what I do best, quick snack.

"Hurry up I need your help." I spoke after taking the last bite of my sandwich.

"Mmmh! With what if I may ask?"

"You'll see when we get there."

Suddenly I dragged her to our room before she was even done with breakfast.

"Quickly take a shower."

With in no time we had settled in my car while I drove to our destination.

"The hell... Anny this is... Wow!"

I smiled watching her look at the mansion in awe. Yap I did that too. I mean who couldn't. It's a magnificent place.

"Mis Anny welcome back." he spoke in a British accent giving me the biggest smile ever.


"Tonny... Tonny Beacken."

"Nice to meey you Tonny." I spoke too giving him a slight smile.

Soon I was driving in the compound. The same guy from yesterday came ang greeted us. I gave him my car keys. God knows where he took it since I hadn't seen any car park near the vicinity.

" Shall we? "I spoke directing the question to Gabby. No one was more excited than her.

" Sure. "

She pushed the big black entrance door slowly while peeping in.

" Jeez! Stop being dramatic. "

I pushed her in while making my way in too. Well that trip made me thirsty. I headed to the kitchen to grab a bottle of cold water from the fridge.

" Huuuh! Better." I whispered.

"Anny this is so cool. I would give anything to be here. This place is to die for."

Yap she definitely exaggerated the dying part. Naah! She wouldn't do that in a million. The person I've come to know as my best friend and sister loves her life more than anything.

" Quit it. "I warned.

Few seconds later a guy walked in.

" Am Lukah Graham, house manager. "he stretched his hand.

I shook it a bit.

" Well I guess the big boss gave you work to do that's why you are here." he paused. I nodded in agreement, " here. "

He gave me what seemed like a bank card. I was totally confused.

" He said you knew what to do with it concerning the task he handed you. "

He then turned suddenly the opposite direction from us and walked away. Immediately Gabby grabbed the card away from my hand.

"cool he already paid you and you haven't started working yet." she spoke walking away from me.

"Jeez! Gabby it's for the things I need in transformation of his conference hall into a Chinese /Australian culture, for his meeting that will be held here in two days."

"Oh!" She gasped.

We both walked to the direction of the conference hall. Luckily I remembered some few rooms after the tour that Miss Christine gave me round the house.

"Wow you have some big time planning to do."

"That's why I have you here Gabby." I gave her a devious smirk.

"You she devil." she cursed. " What about the pin of the card?" she asked.

She was right I had no idea about this. Immediately I fished out my phone from my purse. There I was gently punching some few buttons searching how I saved him. I called him once I found his number. Thought he wouldn't receive it, to my surprise he did.

"Sir..." I started.

"What is it am in a meeting?"he asked sighing at the end.

Bet he is tired. Yet I found his tired voice so pleasing to hear. For a second there I fantasized about it. I pushed it away as soon as it came.

" Sorry... The pin" That's all I was able to say.

"What?" he answered back.

"The pin to your bank card."

"Totally forgot about that. I'll text you." he then hunged up.

Well he's a man of few words I guess. Seconds later he texted me. That was first. Bet he has never been scammed about money. He sure is quick to give out his bank pin. Anyway let's be real if I stole his money I would dig a cave to live in it, bet he wouldn't let that go.

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