[76] Legacies

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Oliver put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger!

But nothing happened.

He scoffed dryly as he slammed it on the ground. "Of course, it doesn't work," he groaned. "I'm hallucinating. Or I'm dreaming."

"But if you weren't..." the apparition of Robert Queen trailed off, "you betrayed me, Oliver. I died so that you could live, both of you. But you threw that gift away; you made that sacrifice empty."

"I'm not you! And I'm not Dearden either," Oliver countered. "I'm not strong like the two of you are. I never was."

"I told you I'm not the man you think I am. The things I've done. What I was about to do," Robert exhaled remorsefully. "And that's not even talking about your brother."

At the mention of his brother, Oliver perked up curiously. "Dad? What does that mean?" "It means that your brother has his own battles to fight and his own demons to conquer," Robert responded vaguely. "But regardless, I told BOTH of you. I begged you. RIGHT MY WRONGS! Starling City is your responsibility now... and so is Dearden."

"How?" Oliver pleaded desperately. "How do I do this? I can't even get off this island."

Robert reached out and placed both his hands on his youngest son's shoulders, before saying, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth about me and your brother. But I hope that you know that I love you, and tell Dean that I love him too." As tears welled up in Oliver's eyes, the young man couldn't find the right words to say and nodded instead.

* * *


Back at the fundraiser, Tommy watched Laurel and Carter dance a hundred yards away from him enviously while nursing a glass of Scotch. "Did you know that as a doctor I was able to diagnose myself as a giant tool?" he griped mockingly, taking a swig of his drink.

Just then, a very inebriated Thea stumbled upon Tommy with a salacious grin on her face. "How 'bout a dance, handsome?" she slurred. Tommy instantly went into "Big Brother" mode as he whipped around and caught Thea before she fell over. He frowned slightly at her drunken state, as he struggled not to inhale the stench of alcohol that surrounded Thea. "Hey, I thought we agreed you were gonna call me first before you did something stupid," he said.

"You're no fun," she giggled, wrapping her arms around Tommy's neck and pulling him in close. "But I'm g'nna show you how t' have some fun." Tommy gently wriggled out of her grasp and backed away from her. "Thea, what are you doing?" Thea flinched back as the smile from her lips curled downward into a frown. "You said I was amazing," she pouted.

"Thea, you are amazing, but you're also like my sister. My baby sister," he emphasized.

She rolled her eyes as her face scrunched up in a sneer. "Well, I'm not a baby anymore. Thank you for noticing," she chuckled sardonically. "Laurel doesn't even like you. She doesn't understand you. But I do. Why can't you just see that?"

"Thea," Tommy stated, as he led her away from the rest of the buyers. "Thea, it was a mistake to talk to you about girls and stuff. It was inappropriate, and I think it may have confused you."

"Yeah, the rejection? It is pretty clear," she scoffed. "Even if it wasn't, between my mom and Oliver, and almost everyone in my entire life, I'm pretty much used to it by now, so..." Thea wrenched herself free of his grip and ran right into a waiter carrying a platter of champagne, drawing everyone's attention toward her. However, Tommy took the opportunity to take Thea outside the back entrance and away from prying eyes.

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