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| Introduction |

When a baby first open their eyes, the first person they see is their parents. When a baby takes their first step, it's towards their parents awaiting arms. When a baby wakes up crying they look for their parents.

Parents main goal is to keep their child as pure as possible, even if it means hiding them from the dangers of the world.  The drugs, The gangs, The violence, The sex.

Jade Moore was one of the few people who never experienced life outside of her family home. At the age of 22, she is uncultured to the dangerous world outside of her gated community. Unaware of the struggles many have to face. Unaware of the unexplained deaths of loved ones. Unaware of what it's like to go to bed hungry. Unaware of not getting a goods night rest.

Her father fed her lies of the world as if it was this perfect utopia where violence doesn't occur. The one thing he was not prepared for was his daughters curiosity outside of the gates, beyond the trees and in the rural south.

In the rural south, Shai Hendrix has been thrown every curveball life could get you. He's aware of going to bed hungry, not having a home the next day, losing loved ones in front of his eyes. He sees the dangers of the world everyday.

His parents made sure he was well aware of what life could hold for him. They made sure he knew how to hustle in this hard life, how to grind and benefit his future without handouts. His parents showed him the danger of the broken utopia they live in.

The impurity of life.....


This is a different approach for a book I have ever done. It's different than my usual plots. Please leave comments, I love criticism on what you love or what should have been done differently. IF you disrespect me or my work in the comments, I won't hesitate to delete it. Please stay respectful!!

Enjoy the ride!
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