The Past and A Dragon God!

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We Open up at the Apartment at Night as soon you were having A Nightmare about something in your Past, and you were sweating in Bed imagining it.

Nightmare Sequence...

You were running through The Norwegian Snow trying to Avoid capture by A Bunch of Knights trying to slaughter you for "Witchcraft" Just because you were trying to help people dying from the cold and Hunger.

Soon you were stopped by Some Icey water that Prevented Escape and soon You were surrounded by the Holy Knights who were prepared to kill you.

Y/n: S-Stand Back...

You were nearly crying as you being young at the time were not ready to Fight back!

Knight: Kill Him Now before he uses any spells!

Y/n: I-I told you to... STAND BACK!!!

You then Transformed into your Dragon form as you belted White fire from your mouth as it began to Kill all of the Knights, and Only one spoke.

Knight: H-He is Real...

Just then A Massive Reptilian Figure standing So High his head reached beyond the cloud screeched as suddenly you then woke up!

Nightmare Sequence end...

You suddenly Jolted out of bed as you were sweaty and Took your shirt off as it was all wet.

Y/n: (Sigh) I can never let that go... That was one time... And I can never let it go... 

You then Lied back in Bed as you heard your door Open, and then Tohru walked in, In A Nightshirt.

Tohru: Y/n are you Okay?

Y/n: Yeah... Just... Remembering something that's all...

Tohru: What is it?

Y/n: It's something you shouldn't worry about

You then Put on your Brave face again as Tohru didn't Buy it, Mostly because she can sense your Godly energy even more than ever. Now red flags were raising in her Mind.

The Next day...

Tohru was on your Laptop trying to Look up anything about you, as Kobayashi was at work and you were with Kanna trying to show her around the school before she Joins.

Tohru: Okay Y/n let's see what you're Hiding. Hmmm, White-haired God

She then looked and there was Nothing.

Tohru: Okay, white-haired Male God

There was still nothing.

Tohru: Huh? This is gonna be Far harder than I thought. Hmmm... How about... Dragon God?

She then found something about A Dragon God.

Tohru: Huh? What's this

In some Ancient Cultures such as Babylonian, Sumerian, and even more recent ones that had been wiped out of existence like the Romans and the Vikings, they all Belives in A Massive Dragon God that can wipe out the known Universe with one Breath. 

His Name was Unknown but he was Commonly Named Igneel, and he had two children whose names were also Unknown. They were A Blue Crystal Dragon and A Massive white 5 Winged Dragon, they were most commonly Named Wendills Which means the Northern Winds, And D/n Which Means Of the Starry Night. 

They had not been spotted for Hundreds of Years or were Recorded since the date of the Proclaimed Ragnarok, Except for D/n who was said to be spotted by Divers recording the Mariana Trench in 2015 with them spotted A Gigantic Blue eye staring at them that was bigger than any living thing on earth.

Tohru: Huh? D/n... That sounds A Lot like Y/n... Could That Mean?

Just then the door opened and Tohru quickly shut your Laptop.

Y/n: Hey Tohru are you Okay?

Tohru: Yeah, Why ask?

Y/n: You seem A Little Nervous

Tohru: Oh Nothing it's Just you ever heard of  Dragon God named D/n by Humans?

Y/n: (Thoughts) Oh shit she found out! Need to act cool (Out of thoughts) Well Tohru, My Parents came from Old world type Values and they decided to name me after that guy. You Know because They are Fantasy fans and Archeologists. You Know their Just Cool that way

Tohru: Hmmmm... Okay!

Y/n: Good, Now who is this guy again? Never heard of him

Tohru: Just someone I heard about. Just Nevermind

Y/n: Right, Good, Thanks

You were able to Clear your name from any Association to your Dragon Origins, or at least for now because Tohru is an Inquisitive young Dragon, But soon More Dragons will show up this will complicate things.

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