The New Neighbors!

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It was The first day at the new Apartment as Kobayashi was Trying to rest up from another Hangover as you were in the Kitchen Making some Coffee for her, when suddenly A Loud noise came from one wall, and then from another, and then from the Ceiling!

Suddenly Kobayashi came out of her Bedroom Angry.

Kobayashi: Tohru would you turn down that Noise!? Huh?

The rest of you were Just as annoyed as her.

Y/n: Hey I was making Coffee when this Happened, so don't go blaming us

Tohru: Yeah, Do you think I'm A Loud person, Miss Kobayashi?

Kobayashi then Began lying down on the couch as Kanna Petted her head.

Kobayashi: I'm Sorry I Just have A Huge Hangover

Kanna: Does it hurt your head, Kobayashi?

Kobayashi: Yeah, And this is my Day off

Y/n: It sounds like it's coming from the Neighbors

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi and Y/n Will it be Okay If I discuss this with the Neighbors?

Kobayashi: Huh? Oh Yeah do that

Y/n: Just don't let your horns stick out

Tohru: Right! If they don't Listen I'll Murder, destroy, and Pulverise them!

Y/n: Sounds pretty Excessive

A Little bit Later...

She soon ended up at Apartment 401 Belonging to one Sasakibe. She knocked on the door and soon A Friendly young woman appeared.

Sasakibe: Oh Hello there, Is there anything you need?

Tohru: Oh Right We've been hearing A Lot of noise and I have been wondering what you have been doing

Sasakibe: Oh I was cooking

Tohru: Eh?

Sasakibe: Excuse me

She then closed the door and some more huge noises before she came back out.

Sasakibe: Here allow me to share some

Tohru: Wow thank you so Much And would you mind please keeping the noise down

Sasakibe: Okay

She then closed the door and Tohru stared at the food.

Tohru: H-How could this make so much noise...

Small Timeskip!

Tohru then ended up at the Other Side of the apartment with Apartment 403, Yana.

Just then A Young Man with Green hair appeared.

Yana: What's Up I was Playing my Music

Tohru: Music?

She then came inside to hear his Music and it was just A Heavy Metal guitar and Screaming as this guy clearly emulates Heavy Metal.

Tohru: Are you from the Underworld because you sound like Hades crushing Hercules?

Yana: Best compliment I ever had

Tohru: Would you Please mind keeping the Volume down?

Yana: Sure, No Problem

Small Timeskip!

Now it's Above the apartment in Number 502 with Soune.

She Knocked on the door and A Bald older man walked out Tohru explained everything.

Soune: I'm sorry but I need the drill

Tohru: A Drill for what?

He then pulled out A Gorilla Figurine he made.

Soune: I make Figurines

Tohru: Oh cool. So Uh, Would you mind keeping the noise down

Soune: I'll try

A Little Bit Later...

The Three Neighbors were now arguing when Tohru showed up and she had to ask.

Tohru: What's wrong?

Sasakibe: Well you need to tell Him that he needs to turn down that Drill!

Soune: Well you need to tell him to turn down that Metal Music!

Yana: Well you need to tell her to stop making those creepy Noises!

Sasakibe: I was Cooking!

Soune/Yana: Huh?

The three of them just continued arguing as Tohru got annoyed and was about to Pull out the Claws and Kill them all when you appeared.

Y/n: Everyone can you Listen to me for A Moment?

They all then stopped and looked at you.

Y/n: We are all suffering from the same problem and I Belive this can be fixed by A Well Made Schedule that we can all work around, and if we ever have A Problem we can use the power of the earbud. How does that sound?

And everyone seemed happy with that.


Kanna was now asleep as the rest of you had finished Lunch and Tohru spoke up.

Tohru: You all seem too Nice, you know they'll Just fight again

Y/n: Yeah, but when people live near each other they tend to get into Conflict, that's Called being Neighbors

Tohru: What was it like with you two being Roommates?

Kobayashi: Well, It was Fun with Y/n sorta being like A Stay at Home dad taking care of everything, while I Just did the grunt work

Y/n: To Be Honest, It was hard work considering it's you

Kobayashi: Hey

She then Playfully Punched you as you smiled.

Kobayashi: To Be Honest, things hadn't really been all that Great until you showed up

Tohru: (Blushing) T-Thank you~!

Kobayashi: Well I'm gonna take A Nap

Y/n: Yeah me too

Tohru: Can I Join you two?

Y/n/Kobayashi: Of course

You all then Began to rest, but suddenly There was A Massive Screeching noise as Tohru was scraping her teeth in her sleep and you got mad!


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