Teaching Kanna!

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We Open up at the Apartment as You and Kobayashi were preparing to leave for work when Kanna stopped the both of you.

Kanna: Papa, where are you going?

Y/n: To Work, to earn money, to Buy things, so other people earn money to work, it's A Vicious Cycle that the Economy Is

Kanna: I wanna come with you

Tohru: No Kanna, I have something for you today

Kobayashi: What's that?

Tohru: I'm going to show her how the Human world works

Y/n: Good, Have fun

Kannathen Hugged your leg Pouting.

Kanna: No I wanna go with Papa

Y/n: Hey Kanna I'll be back don't worry. Okay?

Kanna: Okay

Y/n: Good, See you, Later Guys

Kobayashi and You then left as Kanna Turned to Tohru.

Kanna: What are you going to teach me Lady Tohru?

Tohru: A Lot of things Kanna, there is A Lot with this world you need to know


Tohru and Kanna were now Busy at An Busy Intersection, with Tohru explaining things to Kanna.

Tohru: Alright Kanna, you Must obey the rules Of this world and One of them is these Traffick Lights which tell you that you can stop or go. Disobey these Lights and you can get crushed

Kanna: So that's what those Magic Boxes are called? Lady Tohru you're so Smart

Tohru: (Blushing) Well I'm not that smart

Kanna: What Powers those Cars?

Tohru then stopped not knowing but came up with an Explanation.

Tohru: They run By Magic, Apparently you need A Rune called A License to operate one

Kanna: Oh, Does Kobayashi or Papa have one?

Tohru: Yes they do, But Miss Kobayashi says they have A Great Price with stuff like Fees, Loans, Payments, Tries, and Lots of other things, while Y/n says he doesn't have A Need for one

Kanna: I Guess even Powerful Magic has A Price here as well

Tohru: Yep

Kanna: Then why don't they ride you to and from work then?

Tohru Then got depressed.

Tohru: I don't know...

Meanwhile at work...

Y/n: So I have A New relative over at the Place

Takiya: Really? What's she into?

Y/n: She's in Goth Lollita... With A Tribal Twist

Takiya: Oh How Strange

Kobayashi: Tohru is currently showing her around the city and teaching her things, I'm worried about that but I think Tohru at least has Compassion for her Friends

Y/n: Tohru has A lot of Compassion, You Just need to break her shell

Back with the Dragons...

They were both watching A Man Talk slang on his phone as they both watched.

Kanna: Lady Tohru what is he saying?

Tohru: He's Using Magic words, if you say them they'll help you get around this world

Kanna: Oh Okay

They then ended up at A Local children's Playground, and Kanna Pointed at A Seesaw.

Kanna: Lady Tohru what's That?

And Tohru has stumped once again.

Tohru: Uh... (Thoughts) What is it? It's A Children's toy and it seems to use the principle of Levers so that means (Out of thought) Ah, I Know, it's A Training Catapult for children

Kanna: Oh

Tohru: This is How Children learn how to fight Monsters in the sky

Kanna: Wow

Kanna then Pointed towards A Crepe stand.

Kanna: What's that?

Tohru: That's A Crepe stand

Tohru then Bought her A Crepe.

Kanna: It's sweet like the Eggs of A Three Legged Crow

They then ended up At An Icecream stand.

Kanna: What's that?

Tohru: That's an Icecream stand

She then bought Kanna one of those as well.

Kanna: It's cold but Yummy


Kanna: Lady Tohru this world is So Peaceful

Tohru: Yes it is

Kanna: Are there any Dragons here besides Visitors?

Tohru: Not that I know of. I don't know if they went extinct or moved somewhere else or what

Kanna: Is it bad if I Transform into My Dragon form?

Tohru: No,  you really shouldn't unless you know Perception Blocking. Do you?

Kanna: No not really

Tohru: Don't worry you really don't need to know it

Kanna: Lady Tohru why did you leave? All the Rumors said you died but I'm happy to find out they were wrong

Tohru: To Be Honest I'm Happy to be here. I was Gravely Injured and then Y/n and Miss Kobayashi saved me, so I'm Now repaying my debt to them. I let everyone believe I was dead, except for A Handful of Dragons Like Miss Lucoa and Mr. Fafnir. Now I don't want to cause any Trouble I Just wanna live in this world and Be A Maid

Kanna: You sound like A Retiree

Tohru: Yeah I Guess I do! Hey Kanna?

The two then Eskimo Kissed like Two Puppies.

Tohru: I'm Happy here. So Kanna, where do you wanna go Next?

Kanna: I wanna see Papa and Miss Kobayashi's work

Tohru: I don't know if they'll be mad at us

Kanna: Please?

Tohru: Hmm, I have an Idea, Just follow my Lead

Later at Work...

You were just working when you saw Tohru and Kanna in the Clouds with Perception Blocking watching you and Kobayashi and you smiled.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Good Job Tohru, Your Becoming A Better person every single day

Tohru and Kanna then Began flying off back Home as Tohru was left thinking.

Tohru: (Thoughts) D-Did he see Us? But Normal Humans can't do that? Is he A Normal Human at all?

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