Defending your Fort!

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The next day You and Kobayashi were preparing to go to work, as Tohru was waiting at the door for further instructions.

Tohru: Wait, where do the two of you work again?

Y/n: Oh we work for The Usual company, Just doing Graphs, charts, and Accounting, But I also make Pokemon ROM Hacks on the side but that's A Hobby

Kobayashi: Yep, Look Tohru we need you to Hold down the Fort, and if anyone calls Take the Phone and answer

Tohru: Do what with A What now?

Kobayashi: Oh right Your A Dragon

Y/n: (Thoughts) Hey, It took me some time to learn how to use A Phone (Out of thoughts) Let me how her. Okay when the Phone goes Ring ring, you Pick it up and put it against your ear like this? Understand?

Tohru: Yes, I think I have it

Kobayashi: Good, Now we're loving. Goodbye

Tohru: Good Bye Miss Kobayashi and Y/n!

The two of you then Left, as Tohru stood there confused.

Tohru: Hold down the fort Huh? How do I do that? Hmm, I better ask Fafnir

She then used some Magic on the Phone to call an Old Friend and it dialed up to A Dark Voice ringing over the phone Line.

Fafnir: Kill them All. Protect what is yours. Do not waste time. Make with Haste with destroying all of your enemies and lay waste to everything that ever had. Their homes, their Families, and their Bloodlines Leave no Trace Left, and Then Destroy them again.

Tohru then Hung up the Phone smiling.

Tohru: Okay, I Just gotta Protect my Home. Easy!


Two Robbers were preparing to break into your apartment with one looking at the other's shoulder as the other one Picked the Lock.

Robber 1: Come on Man, I heard the People leave this Place at exactly this time and they won't come back until night, so this is A Steal

Robber 2: Quite Literally. Now we need to Unlock it... Aaaaaand, We got it! Now everything inside is Ours!

Just then the door slowly opened up and they were met with A Massive Green Dragon who was Tohru!

Robbers: ...

Tohru Then Began to growl making them Both Piss their pants in fear!


You and Kobayashi were now walking home when you Both Noticed The Same Crooks before crying and turning themselves in to the Police!



Y/n: (Thoughts) Looks Like Tohru got to them. To Be honest they were really lucky they didn't get Mauled to death, or maybe even worse

Soon you had Both made it back to the House, where Tohru was waiting!

Tohru: Hi Miss Kobayashi and Y/n, How was your day?

Kobayashi: Long. How was yours?

Tohru: Oh some people tried to break in, the Bad part is That I didn't get to Kill them

Kobayashi: Oh That's Goo- WHAT!?

Y/n: I ain't even Surprised.

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: The LegendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora