I Wish You Were Here | Noren

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*this oneshot is coming from my Birthday Oneshots book which I've not kept up with so I'm transferring the ones from there to here*

Warnings/tags: Noren, Fluff(?), Angst, pills, There's another warning but it'd give the story away, read at your own will

March 14 2018

Waking up, the first thing he hears is muffled yelling coming from his mom's room, and from her choice of words, he could tell she was on the phone with his father. Sighing, he got up. Standing up he stretched, feeling his bones pop into place; he looked to his nightstand and grabbed the pill bottle. He looked at it, spinning it around and reading its label and ingredients, deciding on whether to take it or not; reluctantly, he twisted the cap off and grabbed one of the white pills, taking one dry.

With disgust drawn on his face, he went downstairs, eating a quick to make sandwich and some water. Making his way up the stairs he turned into the bathroom and stripped before getting in the shower, the pit pattering of the water resonating through the empty house.


He made it to school undisturbed, from his locker to his first class undisturbed. He scratched his head, confused as he sat in the back of the room, looking around, Strange... Jeno usually is early... or would bug me at the lockers... Shaking his head he took out a book, intending to read it until either the first period begins or Jeno comes.

   When the teacher came in, signaling the start of first period, Renjun was confused and worried, looking towards the empty desk next to him, Is he late? Or sick today? Does he have a cold again? Renjun shook his head, a few times a month Jeno would be absent, most commonly because of a cold or something similar, the boy could never take good care of himself, can he?

   He decided he'll ask Jeno's stepbrother, Donghyuck, about him at lunch later.


   Looking around the lunch room, he tried to spot his best friend, incase he came to school during second, third, or fourth period, three of the five classes he had with the taller. Sighing, he gave up, not spotting him anywhere. He turned to go to where Donghyuck and his friends always sat. He spotted the sunny male laughing at Mark, Jaemin and Yangyang beside him.

   Walking over, he went besides Donghyuck who noticed him standing there and asked, "Renjun, what's up?"

   Clearing his throat, he quietly asked him, "Is Jeno sick again?"

   Donghyuck looked at him, eyes going from confused, to relief and pity. In a sorrowful tone and a small, hopeful smile, he answered, "O, yeah, he's home... sick with the flu."

   Renjun nodded slowly, quietly thanking him and wondered off to sit at the back of the room alone, the sit in front of him empty.


   "Hyuck... this is cruel... it's been two years now... he needs to go see a doctor."

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