I'm Tired | Sungchan/Sungtaro

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*not a Yuta one shot, just a Sungchan/Sungtaro angst one shot

Please tell me your thoughts on this one shot through the story by leaving comments, thank you.


   He closed the door to the bathroom, immediately sinking to the floor across from the sink, breath heavy and shaky.

   His knee came up to his chest and his hands found themselves tangled in his hair, tears making their way down his rosy cheeks. His breath was labored and he tried to calm himself down, know wanting anyone else in the dorm to hear the absolute mess that he is.

   Why he was such a mess? crying on the bathroom floor?

   He was struggling to keep up, during dance practice- he was just having such a bad day in all. He kept tripping and messing up different steps— he wasn't even consistent with his mistakes! It wasn't just one sequence he was messing up, it was a different in each time!

   He could tell the members were annoyed with him, he just knew it, from the tired sighs of having to do dozens of reruns because of his mistakes. The instructor had been getting more and more agitated with every mistake, going as far as yelling at him. By the end of practice the instructor had more or less been shouting and scolding him in his face.

   Even at his height, the instructor scared him.

   No one had said a word when the instructor left, and Sungchan felt awful, for making them have to do reruns so many times. They were all so tired, especially Mark and Haechan who worked with not only this NCT U unit, but as well as another, NCT 127, and NCT Dream.

   After practice, he had quite literally been holding back his tears; he didn't want to cry, he'd look like a baby, and it'd be so embarrassing to cry, look at him! He's over six foot, basically an adult, and he's crying because got yelled at? He should be used to this! Gosh damn it, he's been a trainee -until October- for years! He should be used to the scolding, the criticism, the reruns, it's part of being an idol.

   But today.... He was just so overwhelmed.

   He had had to record some lines in the early morning, which had took a little while; got barely any sleep afterwards; then, he had record more lines for Lightbulb, and having Taeyong watching make him nervous and he fucked up and the recording took much longer than needed, which had led to him being late for practice, which, as stated above, proved to be a shitshow.

   But what set the floodgates open, was when Ten approached him after practice, telling him with a tired sigh, "Sungchan-ah, you have to be on time for practice, and you have to stay focused so we all can continue. We can't have you slacking behind." He knew the elder meant well, but it just hit him. He had merely just nodded before walking away, walked home -not bothering to wait in the van for the others, what if they start criticizing him on the way home?- and the tears had started flowing the moment he stepped in the dorm, the exhaustion in his bones and muscles hitting him like a wall, and he fled to the bathroom before anyone could see him, but he's pretty sure he had heard someone call his name when he entered.

He was just so tired. The recordings, the practices, the filming, the photo shoots, the lack of sleep, the diets.... But it was nothing to what the others had gone through, why was he complaining? If they're able to endure this for months, years, why should he be openly complaining in the first few months? Ten was right, I'm just weighing down the group.... I should just quit, I can't handle this! But if I quit.... They'll have to relearn new formations and reassign parts.... and I'll be giving up the dream I've worked so hard for... There was no easy answer. Not the way he thought of it at least. All he can do it put up with it.

   But he's so tired of it.

Knock Knock Knock

   "Sungchan? Are you okay?"

   An accented voice came from the other side of the door, making the taller jump, uncurling from his position, accidentally letting out a audible sob.

   "Sungchan? Are you crying?! Can I come in?"

   "N-no! It's-s f-fine!" He called back with as steady a voice he could muster.... Which wasn't very steady.

   It was quiet for a moment -save for his small whimpering- before the door swung open abruptly. Didn't I lock the door!?

   "Sungch– oh Sungchan..." Shotaro appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, worried expression turning even more worried and concerned as he saw the younger crying and shaking.

   He didn't think twice before falling to his knees beside the taller and wrapping his arms around him, the younger's head now against his chest. "Sungchan, what happened?! Why're you crying?" He asked softly, caressing his brown hair, voice full of worry.

   Shocked by the older's presence, he didn't know what to say, but just slumped against him, tired, the warmth feeling nice.

   Should I tell? Won't I just burden him with my problems? But he'll understand right? -no, he'll probably feel the same as the other guys... Taro's an amazing dancer, I bet he's able to kept up just fine, he's probably ahead of everything... he thought. But he's here...

   With a shaky breath, he relented, "I- Taro... I'm s-so tired..." he started. "It's s-sso hard... and I, I kept f-fucking up t-today at practice..." he cried, falling into the other's arms, who supported him and tightened his arms around him.

   "T-They prob-probably hate me... r-right now, for sslowing them dow-n." He whispered.

   But Shotaro heard it loud and clear. "Hate you? How could anyone hate you?" He started in disbelief. "You made a few mistakes so what? Everyone does!"

   "B-but if you were t-to ssee me today... y-you'd think wor-se."he whimpered disheartened.

   "I've barely s-slept t-today... th-the recording was dif-ficult a-and with Taeyong s-sunbaenin w-watching, it was n-n-nerve-racking, he probably t-thinks I'm a horrible r-rapper..." he groaned, more tears flowing down his red cheeks.

   "You're not! You're amazing!" Shotaro exclaimed, almost a bit angrily, as he carefully wiped tears from the younger's pretty face. Shotaro hates seeing him so depressed, and wanted to cheer him up.

   "T-Taro," he said in a small, weak, voice. "I'm tired."

   Shotaro hummed, trying to think of something. "Hm, why don't you shower and we can have something to eat and then sleep? Or we can watch a movie to relax!" He suggested. Against his chest, Sungchan nodded slightly.

   "Okay... let's watch a movie..."

   It took a few minutes before he found the energy to get up off the floor, to lean away from the warmth of the Japanese; but he managed, just like how he managed to get through practice today.

   It wasn't much longer than he found himself laying pressed up against Shotaro in bed, a laptop on the elder's lap, a movie playing in the background as he closed his eyes, feeling his bones and muscles finally relax as Shotaro wrapped an arm around him, sharing his warm.

   Some days were tough, really tough, when people seem to hate him for his mistakes, where he was tired of it all, but he has to make it through it all; for at the end of the day, he had someone waiting for him with warm, open arms.



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