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Why hello there! It's been quite a minute, over a year in fact. 

Recently I started using Wattpad again as I've become very bored during some of my school classes. I started to notice that this story was somewhat gaining attraction which surprised me as it's been left unfinished and barely started. My other stories have also been gaining attraction too but I've been more interested in this one as it's one of my newer works. If you could even still call it that lol

Anyways, enough of my rambling. I started chapter 7 a very long time ago buuuuut I've decided to fix it up, finish it, and post it! 

It's the end to the first arc of this story, so, depending on how well it does. I will decide if I want to continue this story or let it rest in the grave. 

Chapter 7 will be coming out coming out in a day or two! (Yayyyy)

I would like to note though that it's been a very and I mean very long time since I've written anything, so if the end feels somewhat lacking or immature compared to the rest of my work. Just know I'm a bit rusty. 

Can't wait to see you all soon!

A New Beginning REWRITTENOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant