Sleep Backlog

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Moxy: Lou, when's the last time you got a decent night's sleep?

Lou: *pauses to think*

Lou: *counts on fingers*

Moxy: *getting concerned*

Lou: I think twenty...

Moxy: Days, week, months?! *chuckled, shaking her head* No, surely that would be pushing it-

Lou: * nervously* Years...

Moxy: *blinks*

Moxy: What...

~Time skip brought to you by Moxy's overprotective nature~

Lou: *wrapped in blankets and surrounded by stuffed animals in Moxy's bed*

Lou: Moxy, is this really necessary?

Moxy: *carrying over more pillows and blankets* Until you've caught up on sleep, yes! Now get some sleep!

Lou: *sighs, grumbling under his breath*

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