Ran off

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Lou and Moxy are tangled up in vines upside down in the middle of the woods waiting for the others to come find them.

Moxy had run away from the group during a get together and Lou ran after her. When Lou tackled her to try and stop her, they tumbled over a cliff and into some vines.

Lou: I can't believe you tried to just run off on your own like that!

Moxy: Really? What part of that is uncharacteristic for me?

Lou: *huffing* What is your problem!? Last I checked you didn't run away from your friends!

Moxy: ...

Lou: *sigh* Look... I know you're standoffish around me. Everyone is. But I'm trying, okay? I'm trying to get better.

Moxy: *mumbling* You are better. I just...

Lou: *glances back at her to see Moxy tearing up slightly*

Moxy: *sniffle* I'm just scared I'll do something that'll make you mad at us again. I-I just don't want you to relapse.

Lou: M-Moxy I-

(The sound of vines snapping cut Lou off)

Lou: *looking up at the vines* Uh oh...

The two of them suddenly fall to the ground. Moxy landing on top of Lou.

Lou: *groaning* Ow...

Moxy: *quickly getting off of Lou* L-Lou I-I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to-

Lou: *sitting up and resting a hand on Moxy's shoulder* Hey, relax. It's okay.

Moxy: *tearing up* B-but I-

Lou: *pulls Moxy into a hug* It's alright. As long as you're not hurt, I'll be okay.

Moxy: *hugging Lou back* Y-you really have changed.

Lou: *smiles* Thanks, Muffin. *hugs tighter, gently burying his face in her fur* Thank you.

Uglydolls memes part 2Where stories live. Discover now