Chapter 5: Have a Slutty Night

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After the match was over, the rest of PE was just free. Y/n jumped off the bleachers, ran to Steve, and snatched the ball he was holding before dribbling to the hoop and shooting the ball, listening to the delicious sound of the net swishing as it went through.

"Oooohhhhh!!!!! Eat it, Stevie boy!" She jokingly played. He left his friends and grabbed the ball. He then took the same shot. "How bout a game of Horse?" He suggests. "Okay, you're on Harrington," y/n challenged. He took the ball and went to the top. He shot and scored. "Your turn, sweetheart," he joked. "Steve!" She whined.

"What? To hard for you?" He gave a cocky smirk. "Uh yeah, mr basketball player. I swim. I don't shoot hoops. I thought we were staying in the 2-point lines, that's my range, dickweed,"

He chuckled. "Okay I'll show you," he brought her over to where he shot from. Billy was glaring the entire time. The way Steve held her hands from behind, the smiles, her giggles. It was infuriating- only because it meant his flirting wasn't working, of course. Why else?

Lunchtime came around and Billy surprisingly sat with Steve and y/n, Tommy following his lead.

Nancy and Jonathan also sat there.

"Hey Nancy, I forgot to tell you, I was driving past barb's place on my way here this morning... why is there house, like, empty and up for sale," Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan all shared a look.

"Nance... what? What is it?" Y/n noticed and got worried. Nancy's eyes got glossy, but she smiled. "She's, uh, moving," Nancy told her. "Oh, good for her!" Y/n grinned. She started eating the runny ass Mac n cheese, much to the groups displeasure. "Ewh. Gross, why are you eating that shit?" Steve grimaced. "Dude, shut up, I've been forgetting to eat and I'm fucking starving. Fuck you," y/n mumbled.

(Ngl that school Mac n cheese hit diff tho)

"Explain? Please?" Billy spoke up. "I just have been busy lately and don't really have time to eat. Speaking of, Nancy, I have my lifeguard recertification exams on Sunday. Wanna come?" She asked her sister. "Oh you're getting you old summer job back?" She asked. "Yup. God I just hope they don't put me on training duty," I whine. This piqued Billy's interest.

"Lifeguard, huh?" He asked. He leaned, gripping y/n's chin. Much like the times before, his mouth right against her ear. "I bet you look even better in a wet, skin tight swimsuit," this time he ended his statement with small kitten lick under her ear.

He chuckled at her reaction. She lightly shoved his shoulder. "You're so gross," she jokes. "But seriously, I'm kinda interested in that Lifeguard job," Billy responded.

We all talked, Steve and Billy threw snide comments to one another. Tommy attempted to say something to Steve, but Billy told him to shut up.

The day continues and we all leave. I wait for Mike and Billy waits for someone else.

I see Mike talking to Lucas and a redhead. The girl leaves the two and skates over to Billy. They scuffle. "Lucas, Michael!" I shout. The boys walk over. Lucas runs to me. "Y/n! You're back in town!" He hugs me. I pat his back. "Hells yeah. You punks need a ride?" I lean smugly against my car. "You got the car!" Lucas points out. "You both are Venkman?" Y/n asked. They nod with sighs. "Cool!" Y/n smiled. "And we don't need a ride, we have our bikes," Lucas smiled back.

"Ok. Mike, remember the curfew," she says finally. Opening her car door. Will and Dustin were now walking over. "I'll remember mine if you remember yours," he smugly replies. Y/n laughs. Y/n decided to give them a head start. She had to find her mixtapes anyway. She found one and popped it into her radio. She buckled, started her car, and drove off.

While she was driving, she saw a blue Camaro swerve her little brother. Pissed, she floored it, swerved around the Camaro and stopped at a stop sign. She was so prepared to beat an ass that she turned her car off.

She got out and who is it, but Billy Hargrove. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" She yelled. "What!?" He asked in angry confusion. "You almost hit my little brother, dickweed!" She yelled back, throwing her arms out. "Wait, you have a little brother?" He asks. ".... YES!" She yells. He walks over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Okay, calm down, stop yelling, I wouldn't have actually hit him," he tells her seriously.

"God, I should never have even looked your way. I should never have trusted you around my friends, or my siblings! and I SHOULD NEVER have been tricked by your stupid one-liners! I-" he cuts her off by putting the fleshy part of his hand in her mouth, gripping her face with his thumb and index fingers. "Do you ever shut the fuck up?" He asks gruffly. "I ha-" he grabs her jaw and pulls her forward. She's to stunned to say anything, but just glare at him.

"Get in your car and go home, wheeler. I hope to see you at the party tonight," he smirks. "Fuck you," she whispers, doing as she was told.

She hates him. He hates her less than she hates him. He hates Harrington the most.

Y/n went home and got dressed. She put on red booty shorts (just long enough to cover her panties and ass) and a camp crystal lake t-shirt with a white spaghetti strap underneath. She took off her socks and shoes to put on tube socks with red stripes. She tied the shirts just below her sternum and found the aviators which she'd stolen from Steve a year ago.

Since she had a couple hours, she decided to do her makeup as well. For her hair, a ponytail (if too short, ignore) and a red bandanna. She felt sexy, and gorgeous. She covered up everything she didn't like and she felt gorgeous. Her ribs in particular but she'd recently gained some weight to hide it.

She took a mirror picture with her camera proudly.

Ain't no one gonna slutshame her and not expect her to make the most of it.

Lover boys (Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove X reader)Where stories live. Discover now