A Monkee Christmas

Start from the beginning

Mike had this brilliant idea to dress up as lumberjacks and cut down our own tree in the forest. Mike found a nice one and vibrated his whole body when he took a hack at the tree. Mickey came running yelling, "Mike I found some holly and mistletoe! holly and mistletoe!" "holly and mistletoe?!" Mike asked in disbelief. "wait that's not holly, it's not even mistletoe" "it's not?" "no, it's commonly known as poison ivy" Mickey had rashes all over his face and we had to call the doc a second time. he was alright and we put the Christmas tree up. Davy insisted on putting on the star, so Peter handed it to him and he leaned over the tree. Davy went on about how he'd always wanted to, and how he was told he was always too short to do it. Peter tried to hold in a laugh. he reached for the top of the tree and knocked the whole thing over instead. the doc came a third time and Davy had his head wrapped up in bandages. the doc left and Melvin had yet another mean thing to say. "you guys are absolutely ridiculous. you're killing yourself over something that doesn't even exist!" "I think he's doing it again!" Peter exclaimed. "no he's right, if ya don't believe in the spirit of Christmas, then it doesn't exist" Mike said. "I know but still he's only twelve years old" "no way, if someone wants to keep shooting down a bubble then you can't keep it up" "and I'm the one who keeps shooting it down" Melvin replied. "I didn't say ya were!" Mike exclaimed. "I don't have to take this. I have a maid and a housekeeper at home" "you're right. ya don't have to take it. you can stay if you want to, but you can go if you want to too" "I'll send for my bags later" Melvin said, and looked back one more time before he left. Peter walked away sadly towards Davy and Davy explained how we tried everything we could to get that kid to have some fun. "guys, I don't think he knows what happiness is. all he does probably is sit at home. he's ungrateful because he hasn't seen good manners ever and I know what it's like to feel depressed. it ain't fun! I wanna do something to make that kid look at the bright side"   "well said" Mike commented.

~~~ At Melvin's house~~~ 3rd person point of view

Melvin walked through the door and called out "hello"  the doorman told him he was going out to dinner with his lady and he'd be back soon. Melvin reassured him that he'd be okay since he preferred being alone. The doorman left and Melvin took a seat on the couch. He picked up a plate and looked at his reflection. he remembered how Peter's smile looked like. He tried to smile himself but was not satisfied. he imagined Davy showing him how to smile. he almost mastered it. he remembered Mickey's half-smile half-laugh and finally Mike's small smile. Michael never smiled that much. he knew that girl Cadenza loved to smile and laugh though. she'd be a good match for Mickey. he gave up on trying to smile and put the plate back and took his glasses off. he put his head in his hands and sobbed for awhile. he felt bad for how poorly he'd treated that music group. He wished he could apologize to them for it. He imagined himself having a jolly good ole time with Davy, Peter, Mike, and Mickey.

bat the pad, Mickey was dressed up as Santa Claus and Davy was dressed up as an elf. he wore Mike's wool hat. Mickey attempted to go down the chimney and started yelling things like, "I'm stuck! oh help me I'll never get out of here alive!" Mickey fell through and Davy came after him. Melvin looked up as the guys came down the chimney.

~~~Jedda's point of view~~~

I saw Mickey and Davy climb out of the fireplace with Mickey saying, "ho, ho, ho. ho, ho, ho" Mickey then went on to say, "how come you're all clean and I'm all dirty?" he said this to Davy. what David said made me laugh, "you mean why are you all dirty and I'm all clean?"  "yeah!"  "well ya see, you're always on about me being little teeny tiny weeny little baby ya see? and so I figured I'd come down the middle of the chimney and avoid the sides ya see?" "oh, oh right!" Mickey blew a could of soot all over Davy's face. they began singing Deck The Halls as a duet and when they got to the 'gay apparel' part, they made a really goofy face and I giggled and joined in with the chorus. Mike and Peter who were standing in the doorway, joined in too. Melvin laughed, he really laughed. "look, look..."  "he's laughing!" Peter exclaimed. he laughed while he cried and said, "I'm sorry fellas, I don't know why I'm cryin'".  "we've brought you a very special present" Mike stated. Melvin's aunt walked in the door then. she and Melvin exchanged kind and heartfelt words and Peter cried. Mike joined in too and Mickey brought him his presents. he opened up the first one and it revealed a basketball. I gave him his present which he asked for... a kiss on the cheek. don't ask me why. we all celebrated and the guys and I exchanged kisses and hugs before we went back to the pad. Mickey's hug lingered.

they sang a Christmas carol in some language I didn't understand and I listened and clapped when necessary. and that's what a Monkees' Christmas is like for ya folks.

I hope you liked this Christmas themed chapter. I referred to the actual episode for many of it. I realize it's not Christmas time and I made a Christmas chapter, but I think this episode was one of their more heartfelt episodes. Thanks for reading!:) "peace and love"  "save the Texas Prairie Chicken!" 

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