You're Gonna Be Okay || Lupin

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(Just after Part 5, Part 5 spoilers,
No Gender x Reader, panic warning)

Your mind is racing and your chest feels tight.
It's like you can not breathe.

You know you're crying, tears strolling down your burning face, yet you can barely feel it.

You can barely feel your lips.


Am I dying? Am I having an heart attack?

All you can do is huddle in the darkness of alleyway with your large sleeves muffling your mouth.

You look down at the light of the alleyway, begging that no one will see you, no one will hear you.

You take deep, gasping breathes, as if each one could be your last. You're not hurt in slightest, so what is this panicky feeling? The feeling that you're stuck, perpetually dying? The feeling of doom?

"Psst, hey!"

You gasp loudly and look up. You're shaking like a new born fawn at the skinny man on the neighboring roof top.

"Hey..." he says kindly.

Is he going to kill me? Your first thought was.

The man jumps off the roof and lands square in front of you, not too far away. His lean figure stands up straight and makes its way towards you. Your scurry away, pressing your back against the alleyway wall as your legs kick at the dirt desperately.

Oh no, he's going to kill me.
You think in the panic.

You curl up, trying not to make a sound, but you can't help yourself. You're shaking harder than you've ever had before.

You're breathing as fast as you can yet it feels like the air is getting nowhere.

I ...can't... control it...!
I'm really, truly, going to die!

The man gets down on one knee in front of you.

"Shh, Shh," the man says gently, his rough hands giving a gentle pushing signal.
"Im not gonna hurt you, I promise."

"Wh-Who—." You are barely mustering up your own words. Your throat is simply too tight.

"Wh-Who—a-are y-y-you."

"My name, is Lupin." He says soft and kindly.

"L-L—Lupin?" You gasp through your breaths.

You heard of that thief. That he's a hell of a charmer as he is a killer. You know him to be a wild card, but aims not to kill innocents, unlike his partners.

"I-I—I kn—know you." You say. Your hands fly to your mouth, your short breaths heating your hands rather quickly.

"You recognize me?" Lupin chuckles quietly.
"Guess I'm famous aren't I?"

You didn't know how to answer. You just want to get rid of the tightness in your chest, the buzzing of your mind, and prickly anxiety on your skin.

You feel the man's hairy fingers carefully find your palm. He gently grasps it, his thumb running over your knuckles, and pulls it away from your face.

"Just breathe, okay?" Lupin asks of you.

You hold on tightly and pull his hand in.
You need something, anything. You're a grown adult, but you don't care. Even if it's some famous, possibly dangerous villain; All you need is someone to cling onto. Or rather, hold you.

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