A Tad Bit Selfish || Fujiko

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(Non-binary reader x Fujiko)


You've never heard Fujiko shrill like that before; it's terrifying. Not her voice, but how it sounded so demanding.

You found her arms grasping around your hips, pulling you close by her side. You couldn't help but stay silent as you're pressed up against her chest. Fujiko's other hand held a threatening pistol towards your enemy. You were confused, feeling the heat off Fujiko's radiating enraged face.

All you were doing was playing along.
The two of you worked side by side before.
Did all kinds of dirty deeds for their enemies to get what the want before. Now, Fujiko's angry for their enemy making moves. Making moves was nothing new to either of you.
What made this time any different?

What made Fujiko act this way?


You sat quietly behind Fujiko on the motorcycle in mere silence whilst holding a bag of jewels over your shoulder. The silence was filled with city sound: cars honking, people chattering, and the music blasting through bars and clubs you both pass by. Yet the sounds only fill the silence, not erase it.

Fujiko was mad, it seemed.
You don't quite understand what made her pissed.

Next thing you know, you found yourself on a king sized hotel bed.

The sheets were a bright reddish-orange that complimented the gold-like bed frame. They tall ceilings were carved with floral designs. You knew she would like the high-class hotel you chose, yet Fujiko didn't seem to notice yet. Assumed her mind to be bustling.

"I'm gonna go shower L/N." Fujiko says with a flirtatious wave.

It's obvious Fujiko was throwing a front, an act, seeing how her bangs casts a mysterious shadow over her eyes. It fuels the general awkwardness.

"Alright." You say back, making a friendly wave back from the foot of the bed.

What's her deal?

You take off your boots and lay back in the bed. You listen to her turn on the running water, humming to herself behind the bathroom door as stare up at the ceiling, murmuring the words to her song.

"They're mine!"
Since when did Fujiko start acting this way?

The hotel phone rings and you crawl up the bed to answer.


An enthuastic male voice rings. It annoys you.

"Lupin." You greet bluntly.

"Is my dearest Fuji-cakes with you at the moment?" Lupin asks, sounding like he's melting over the thought. You can hear Jigen groan for you through the receiver.

"In my bed, yes." You say with a grin. You loved teasing Lupin this way; As of recently, Fujiko prefers doing heists with you than the gentleman thief.
"I'll let you know when she needs you."

"Why you—!" Lupin yells before you hang up.

You chuckle to yourself, laying back in bed. You already knew Lupin was going to spend the rest of the night going up every floor, knocking on every door, looking for a Fujiko. That's why you picked the second to top floor;
You were selfish that way.

"Did someone call?"
Fujiko asks as she comes into the bedroom with a white towel wrapped around her torso and another wrapping her hair.

"Lupin. He's looking for you." You say, glancing at the drenched woman. You do your best to stay cool with Fujiko when she looks this way, this bare and beautiful, even when your tinted cheeks give you away.

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