The Good Life || Lupin

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(Female!Reader x Lupin, topic based on a college essay I had to write)

You heard a man yell on the top of his lungs not too far away as you strolled out of the department store balancing buckets of house paint.


You turn to see a man in a teal jacket running with a man in a trench coat tailing right behind him.
And they were heading straight toward you.

"Don't mind me pretty lady!"
The man in the colorful jacket yelled as he took a bucket of paint off your stack. He struggles but evidently opens the bucket and splashes onto the man chasing him. The man with the trench coat halts immediately, trying to get the paint out of his eyes.

Your eyes dart between the aggravated old man and the young handsome high-spirited one. You couldn't help being a bit biased of who to talk to first to erase your confusion.

You and the teal jacket mans' eyes meet, dark chocolate brown eyes, then you nod your head towards the other who is covered in red paint.

"Who's this old man chasing you?" You ask.

The teal jacket man smiles and puts his hands on his hips. "A pervert!"

"A pervert?" You repeat, looking back at the old man, who attempts to wipe paint out of his eyes only to have more drip down.

"Aha yeah! I pissed him off and then he came running after me!"

"I see..."
A... Pervert.

You take a step forward.
You then make a sudden high kick, your wedged boot catching the old mans chin and sending him flying. By the time the old man in the trench coat lands in a neighboring bush, you've already walked away towards your car, leaving both men stunned.

Lupin. Your mind wandered before finding the answer. Ah! I know where I heard that name before.

"H-Hey! Wait!"

You stop your tracks, conveniently beside your car, and look back. To your surprise, the teal jacket man ran up to you with a nervous smile.

"Let me help put those away and get you another bucket of paint." He said apologetically.

"Oh, it's alright. That was just an extra bucket really!" You dismissed with a friendly smile.
"Glad you're teaching a pervert a lesson! Uh..."

You glance down at the mans shoes. His shoes and pants were covered with that paint.

"You got paint all over your shoes.." You murmured. "I can wash them at home if you'd like."

"Not until you tell me a favor I can do for you." Lupin said with a small flirty, toothy grin. He leans himself against your large car, hoping to seem enticing in any way.

You gave it some thought, looking the man up and down. Lupins eyes fluttered, feeling your judgement, but uncertainty of what for.

I mean, what are the chances?

Then you gave a mischievous smile, which he didn't seem to expect.

"I have an idea of what you can do for me."



Lupin hops off the roof of your house flat which is now painted a maroon red. Luckily half of it was already dry, so he wasn't too worried of marking something up while hopping off.

||Lupin III x Reader Oneshots||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن