I sucked in another breath while fiddling with my ring. I turned to look at the man, who was only a few feet away, behind the broken glasses. He was furious, hands on his sides, jaw clenched. He was wearing a black button-up with a few buttons undone and a red tie hanging loosely around his neck.

I looked behind him, noticing the gun on my coffee table and his jacket on the couch. I swallow again and shake my head "Could you please leave?"

I took another deep breath, feeling as if my heart was about to burst out of my chest. My ears were ringing, and my mind was racing with disturbing memories.

He heard everything I was saying?

I swallowed hard and turned to face the ceiling, blowing in and out as I tried to control
the heart attack I was on the verge of having.

"Anyone, you know, can break into that door."

"Yeah, sometimes I leave it open so that anyone can walk in and kill me." As I lowered to my knees to pick up the glass, I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Go away, strange man."

"I came to talk to you, and I brought you some boxes and tape. On Monday, the movers will arrive."

"I said I wasn't going anywhere." I bit my inner cheeks looking up at him, defeated. "Leave my house before I call the cops."

"You will not do such a thing."

"Get out of my house!" I yelled, "It's fine if you call the cops, but I can't." I let out a defeated sigh. "Fucking pathetic."

" Juliet." Before I could blink, the glass cut into my skin, and I threw everything on the floor, cursing loudly.

"Fuck," I grumbled as I held my bleeding hand. "Leave," I yelled at Styles.

" Jesus, christ Juliet. You're so fuckimg stupid." glaring at him I pushed past his body rushing into the bathroom. Pushing the door open, I turn on the sink, running my hand over the faucet.

I slammed the door shut and opened my cabinet. Reaching down with my free hand to grab the first-aid kit.

How did he get in here in the first place?

What the fuck is the matter with him? What does he think he's doing coming into my apartment and telling me what to do? He irritated me.

The door swings open. My gaze moved to the open door. I snapped at him, "Dude—," before covering my hand with the bandage. "Please give me some space."

"Movers will be in on Monday; I'll come to help you get anything carry-on accessible; rent is two thousand five hundred."

"What?" I exclaimed. "Thousand what? That is something I cannot afford right now. "My head shook. "I'm paying off my student loans, plus I just started working; no way in hell do I make anything like that."

"How much do you pay for this shithole?" He looks around and pulls out a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it up.

"This shithole is where I live, and it's only five hundred. Which is a fantastic prize for me. Also, no smoking is permitted inside the building."

I reach forward to remove the cigarettes from his mouth, but his hands catch my wrist, causing my body to stiffen. My gaze shifts from his hands to his face, and he pulls the cigarettes away from his mouth with his free hands.

"Don't you fucking dare."

"No smoking is permitted inside. Don't touch me, please. " I pull my hand away harshly, my hands rubbing over the area where his hands were once wrapped, trying to get rid of the sensation of his touch.

" Explains why this dump is five hundred. " Styles shrugs, a smudge of a smile on his face. "How can a princess like you live in a place with bullet holes in the walls, blood stains on the floor and stairs, children's markers and colors all over the wall, and punch holes?"

"You make it appear worse than it is—that isn't even blood."

"It isn't?" Styles raised an eyebrow and ran his tongue across his lips. "I think you and I both know its blood, but deep down you want to deny it to prove that this isn't a dump."

" Why do you care?" I stared at him angrily.

He stares at me and takes a step closer to me, and I take a step back. "I don't care. If it wasn't because of Zayn, I can care less if your blood one day gets on these floors or stairs."

I looked away and stayed silent hearing him chuckle lightly. "Pay me $500 then," he scoffs, blowing out a puff of smoke.

"No, I'm not going to live rent-free in a place that costs that much."

"It's not free rent; you still have to pay me."

"I'm paying you less than half—"

"Juliet, whatever. Just move and stop whining; when I come over on Monday, we'll talk about your new job."

"Don't tell me what to do." I snarled my teeth, turning off the water, and stared directly at him.

Styles takes a step forward while laughing, and he maintains a harsh gaze on my face. I took a deep breath and took a step back, elevating my head higher to stare into his completely black eyes.

He holds my jaw, and terror and revulsion flood my body. "You'll do exactly what I fucking say, am I right?"

Jaw clenching I shoved his hands away to get rid of the sensation of his fingers brushing across my skin. I took another step back, hitting the towel rack, everything falling on the floor and sending a wave of resentment across my body.

I drew in a breath, "Don't touch me," I stared at Styles, watching his eyes skim over me.

"Please go away," I muttered.

"Juliet, don't make me do it the hard way."

"Just fuck off." he smiles one last time turning on his heel " I hope your trip down the stairs, add your blood to the rest of the collection."

" In your dreams princess."

Helloooo :) so how do you guys feel about the book so far?

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