Fandom Crossovers

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Merlin/Supergirl - Instead of dying, Morgana accidentally goes through a rift and finds herself in National City with a blonde she is immediately in love with and a woman that looks identical to her, who is also in love with the blonde, Kara.

Marvel/Arrowverse - A weird time-traveling mishap on the Quinjet brings the Avengers (specifically Steve, Natasha, Tony, Peter, Thor, Clint, and Wanda - add in and change out others at will), to Earth Prime where Oliver, Barry, and Kara mistake them for invaders, using their usual tactics of punch now and ask questions later, which stars a war between one two different earths' groups of their mightiest heroes. 

Greys Anatomy/Supergirl - Multiverse between the two, either Lexie gets transported to Earth 38 or Alex goes to that world. They must adapt to life and find a way to get back to their own worlds...or decide they like this other earth and stay. 

Merlin/Harry Potter - Merlin finds a secret passage that leads him a few millennia into the future where the castle of Camelot is now being used as a school for magic, and he must find a way to get home so he can ensure this future becomes a reality, but in the process, he makes friends with a certain trio.

Merlin/Harry Potter - The golden trio find themselves thrust into Merlin's time, years and years in the past through a mishap with a time turner, and they must find a way to get home while also trying to keep Camelot safe, befriending Merlin and Arthur in the process. 

SOMEONE PLEASE WRITE THISOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora