Cinnamon Bun Meetup: Volume One

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Sunny: Hi! Welcome to the Cinnamon Bun Meetup, also called the Cinnabun Meet! Today, our two cinnamon buns meeting up are......

Sunny: Sky and Kinkajou!!!

Sky: Hi! I'm Sky!

Kinkajou: Hi, there! I'm Kinkajou!

Sky: *Gasps*

Kinkajou: *Gasps*

Sky and Kinkajou: A SNAIL!!!

Sky: Oh, look at it! It's so cute!

Kinkjou: It's adorable! What should we name it? I'm thinking Baron Von Slimey Shlitzelnon Santucket Solario Sintana Salzbury The Third!

Sky: Yes! Let's call him slimey for short!


Sky: Oh my gosh, what if we find another snail and bring him back here and watch TWO SNAILS AT ONCE!!!

Kinkajou: YOU'RE A GENIUS!!!

Sunny: That's all for now! Tune in next time for out next Cinnabun Meet!

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