Chapter 13: The Future is Looking Bright!

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(The Next Day/ After Danzo's Death)

Jiraiya: (leaning against the window of Tsunade's Office in a tired slump) *Looking towards the sunrise* "That was an extremely long night. All of the Root members have been accounted for, there were over 500 shinobi. All ranking from Genin to Jonin in skill. Naruto came by and helped me with getting the seals off of their tongues. Well, the ones who were still alive. Once some knew that Danzo was dead, they sort of just gave up. He had children as well. Those from the orphanages. Who were said to have died due to illness and accidents. He even had his hand in the hospital to cover up the deaths. I so glad he's gone. Naruto offered the idea of having them go through a period of mental rehabilitation as well as some relaxation. Hoping to get them in the best headspace. Some will probably still want to serve as shinobi later on."

Tsunade: "Hmm. That seems like you truly had a busy night for once instead of writing those smut books of yours. I'll head to the hospital today after the meeting with Inoichi and Ibiki, to see how the process is unfolding for the Anbu. How many died?" *Glancing towards him*

Jiraiya: "On our side, 45 or so. I had Ma and Pa help out. On theirs, over 300."

Tsunade: "...okay, I'm going to assume that this paperwork pile on my desk is from all the deaths. Ugh. I'm glad to be done with Danzo and his root. But *Turns around in the chair and faces him* now what are you going to do?"

Jiraiya: *smirks* "You know me and my research! *Laughs*... Except I'll probably try to find out more about the Akatsuki while I'm out there. As well as keep an eye out for Naruto. Maybe I'll stop by Uzushio for a bit. I know that Sensei in going to be heading there in two weeks. I'll even keep a feeler out for any movement by the other Hidden Villages. Never know when some conflict may start. The Shinobi world can't stay calm forever. I'll see you around Tsunade-Hime." *Body flickers away*

(Training Ground 7/Naruto's POV)

I arrive to the training ground to see Sakura reading the medical books from Uzushiogakure. I look over to see that Sasuke is practicing some Kenjutsu. I find Kakashi coming back from a run.

Kakashi: "Hey team, gather around. Even though all of you are Chunin now, the Hokage has decided that all Jonin are to stay with their teams for the next three years, or until they have become Jonin themselves."

Sasuke: "Why is that?" (He and Sakura both looking confused)

Naruto: "I'll answer that better than he will. He'd give you guys the cut version of the story. So, to simplify things. The truth is that there is a group called the Akatsuki. They are hell bent on ruling the world. They have motives that seem unrelated to each other, but they are truly after something far worse. Within the next three years, they will be lurking around gathering up the Tailed Beasts. I unfortunately, can't be everywhere. Well... I can. But not at full strength to take on more than 2 members comfortably. The reason being is that the group is made up of 10 S-rank or above threats from multiple different villages. They will be hunting Jinchuriki like myself. They will most likely stay away from the 2 tails, 8 tails, 1, and 7. Seeing as how they would be the hardest to capture. The others though will have to fend for themselves. It's harsh but true. I will within the next couple of months be looking to meet with the other Jinchuriki's I just described as to warn them and to bond with them. The more help we have, the easier it will be for future battles. Now. I would say for the next year or so. You guys should take off the seals. it's time for you to get used to moving around again and find your limitations. Also, *Looks to Sakura* You will be learning from Tsunade from now on. So, show her your medical prowess and take to her training well. Sasuke, I hope to see you having caught up to Kakashi by the time I get back next year. I will be taking missions while I'm gone. Once I am back, I am sure things will get interesting. So for now, all I can say is, be ready."

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