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"One of the biggest surprises in this research was learning that fitting in and belonging are not the same thing. In fact, fitting in is one of the greatest barriers to belonging. Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be in order to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are."

Berné Brown

Berné Brown

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'You are out of control miss Addams!This is the last thing that you could do at this school!I can't take it any-'
'Blah,blah if i want i can just go around killing people!' As always i raised my tone.It just not feel right to let someone yell at you for protecting youself.Plus that,it's not like i got that barbie doll eyes out...


Growing up I've always been told that people are mean if you are like us and you have to be no coward and face them,make them regret they're decision every time they look in the mirror.So this is what i do,always have and will.
Sometimes i feel that being different actually matters and by that i like to show it. Still can't belive those freaks are messing with me. They should really watch they're back,and no way in hell I'm joking.

I was minding my own business,walking down the hall to get to my locker.Of course there was a note on it saying 'Burn monster!'. I actually enjoy knowing these bitches won't ever fuck with me face to face.
'Hey freak!What you planning on doing next?Get angry and make your eyes glow some purple shit?' A blonde girl said that and her minions laughed. Her head's about to blow...
'Your talking to me?' She nodded. 'Then lets test it out.'

When I'm angry or i'm activating my power my eyes turn purple,like the power inside me.It may be weird because only few of us Addams have it but combined with some other creature power can create someone like me.Controling electricity's not bad after all.
Just as she was about to head a step back i gathered a bit of my power and electocutated her.All the minions were out that second and left the bitch lay on the floor with all her hair up and trembling like a loser.Then i was on her wanting to press her eyes but i did not have time becouse some teachers held my hands back.

'Mess with me again and i'll reap your head off cunt!'


'Do not interrupt me!You are expelled.We can't take this behavior in our school.You're lucky that we even let you attend this institute.'
This mad woman talking superior to me?Who the hell does she think she is?!
'Okay.But what do you mean by I'm lucky you let me in?Isn't this a place where everyone can go?You know what fuck you and this school.I'm out of here.' Then i just stormed off.With a smile on my face as i hear the principle yell her lungs out at me.Using my electricity i powered off all the lights.So good to be damn free.

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