39. Long Live

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"It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this: a new day for our city... a new day for our realm. A new king... to lead us." Tyrion declared as Jon walked through to the throne. As he passed the swords fell after him. Each step closer to something he never wanted. He just wanted to do right by his family and now he was to be king.

''May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need." The Septon began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." Brienne stepped forward the crown in hand

"The crown of the Conqueror, passed down throughgenerations." Brienne spoke as Jon knelt, he breathed deeply awaiting the crown beplaced on his head. ''Let the Seven bear witness... J-" She faltered a moment. He was Jon Snow but he wasnt. "Witness Aegon Targaryen is the trueheir to the Iron Throne." Brienne announced putting the crown on Jon's head.He rose up and looked to his family.  Bran tipped his head to Jon, and Sansa curtsied to him softly, Arya did an awkward bow curtsey combination and nearly tripped as helooked Jill. She smiled back at him but there would be no such formality from her which Jon was grateful for. He could just be Jon and she could be Jill when they were together. Jill was the first to speak up though. 

"LONG LIVE THE KING!" She declared. 

"LONG LIVE THE KING!' They echoed as cheers erupted. They had a new king, one that would be just and kind and fair. One that had the best interests of the people, all the people.


Jill sucked in a tight breath as she rolled her shoulders back. 

"Are you alright Snow?" Tyrion asked. 

"I can't breathe." She rasped tugging at the top of her dress. "My tits are being smashed, making them nonexistent when I cut myself out of this." 

Jill looked like a proper lady, hair braided back, dress flowing along her legs and a corset so tight her breasts were being pushed up and over threatening to break free with every breath. Tyrion thought she looked quite wonderful but sitting on the sand, hair loose, a thin dress bunched around her that was when he thought she looked perfect. 

"Almost done." Tyrion offered. 

"Where the fuck is your punishment?" Jill mused. 

"Oh good Jon didnt tell you." Tyrion remarked grabbing her hand. 

"Tell me what?" Jill mused. 

"Come on." Tyrion encouraged. she kicked off her shoes as they walked, pulled at the pins in her hair and started yanking at the ties on her corset leaving her clothing scattered along the floor. Tyrion smirked looking up at her. 

"You try wearing that torture device." Jill countered. "Oh how appropriate, we are on the beach... Am I to drown you? Is that the punishment, because I refuse." Jill informed him. 

"No, but thats good to know." Tyrion remarked. 

"I killed a dragon queen so she couldnt take your head." Jill reminded him. "Some might call that love... or stupidity." she offered. 

"What do you call it?" Tyrion countered. 

"What's your punishment?" Jill mused leaning into him.

"As part of my punishment and yours, the disgraced demon monkey, half-man, traitor to his blood and his former queen-"

"Get on with it." Jill encouarged dropping down on the sand still pulling at her strings uselessly. Tyrion knelt beside her and broke her free. "Ah!" Jill let out a satisfied sigh as she lay back on the sand, the sun fading away before them. 

"Jillian Snow, queen of my heart," Jill sat up staring back at him. "Will you marry me?" 

"That was your punishment? Being tied forever to my wonderful self?" Jill mused. 

"We are both traitors," Tyrion mused. "and apparently we hate each other."

"Right, right." Jill agreed. 

"What better way to punish us both than being tied together for all eternity..." 

"You suggested such a punishment?"

"I did. Because I have known for years that I love you and I wanted to spend my life with you." Tyrion informed her. 

"And they bought that load of bullshit about us hating each other?" 

"As you said, they are small minded, must have some relation to their cockless nature I assume." Tyrion teased. "What do you say Snow... will you marry me?" 

"Yes." Jill agreed kissing him. "But I'm not Lannister. If anything you can become Tyrion Snow." She informed him seriously. 

"I have always been partial to Snow." Tyrion remarked pulling her down to him. 


"Goodness I got sand in every crevice." Jill remarked shaking out her hair. 

"What is your family going to say when they find out you are willingly marrying a Lannister?" Tyrion mused. 

"Willingly? No, no, no this is punishment, remember?" Jill teased. 

"You are going to continue to torment me arent you?" Tyrion remarked. 

"For the rest of our lives."

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora