2. Hopeless

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"You know Jon Snow?"

'Yes I traveled to the wall with him when he went to join the nights watch.' Tyrion informed them. "Jill... I knew her very well at the capital." Tyrion agreed.

'Why do you think the Lord of light signals out this Jon Snow?'  Varys questioned 'Aside from the visions she has seen in the flames?' varys added

'As Lord Commander the nights watch he led the Wildlings south of the wall to protect them from the great danger as king of the north he has united those wildlings with the northern houses. Together we are faced with the uncommon enemy.' The red woman told them.

'He sounds like quite a man,' Danny agreed with a hint of amusement.

'Summon Jon Snow and I stand before you and tell you the things that of happened to him the things that he has seen with his own eyes,' the red woman said

'I can't speak to prophecies are visions in flames but I like Jon and Jill Snow and I trust them and I'm an excellent judge of character.' Tyrion told them 'if it goes well the north would make a valuable ally and the former bastard on the throne did execute his father and conspired to have his brother killed. Jon and Jill Snow have more reason to hate Cersei than you do.'

'Very well,' Danny agreed 'send a raven over to the north tell Jon snow that his queen invites him to come to Dragon stone and bend the knee.'


'Better looking bitches than your used to uncle." Joffrey remarked snidely as he looked down at Tyrion laying in the kennels. Tyrion looked up to him with distaste as he brushed himself off. 'Mother was looking for you. We ride for Kings Landing today.' Joffrey told Tyrion, sandor told a dutiful servant behind Joffrey.

'Before you go you will call upon the Lord and Lady Stark and offer them your deepest sympathies' Tyrion told him

'What good are my sympathies?' Joffrey sneered.

'None but it is expected of you, your absences already been noted.' Tyrion told him.

'The boy means nothing to me and I can't stand the wailing of women-' tyrion slapped him across the face.

"One word and I hit you again' Tyrion threatened.

'I'm telling mother!' so Tyrion hit him again

'Go. Tell her, but first you will go to lady and lord stark fall upon your knees in front of them and tell them you are very sorry that you are at their service and all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?' Tyrion instructed.

'You can't!' Joffrey cried out and Tyrion slapped him again. Jill's jaw dropped. Complete and utter amazement.

'Do you understand?' Tyrion demanded and Joffrey stormed off.

'The prince is going to remember that little lord.' Sandor remarked.

'I hope he does, if he forgets remind him for me.' Tyrion mused looking over to Jill.

Jill couldnt stop the cackle that left her lips. She was doubling over with laughter and Tyrion fell in love with that laugh. She still had a big toothy smile on her face as she composed herself. She held up a finger as she turned in a slow circle.

''Okay.'' She said letting out a breath as she ran a hand down in front of her face.

''Jill. What do I owe the pleasure of making you smile?''

''Slapping princes will do it.'' Jill agreed ''but thats not why I'm here, but I thoroughly enjoyed the show." She assured.

''Oh? You just wanted to see me?'' Tyrion asked hopefully

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now