"Tell me please, why would Adnan blame me?"

"Did your mother never tell you how your dad died?"

"I know it was an accident. Why are you bringing that up now?"

"It was not just an accident." The woman said and Shavez's eyes blew out, he never thought he would hear something like what was about to come, he was not ready to hear whatever it may be.

"W-what do you mean?" He blurted with agitation, a fear clogging his throat.

Adnan's mother was trying her best to control her tears but she couldn't hence the tears dripped from her eyes "I don't even know whether Zahra knows about this or not."

"I want to know"

"Shavez" She uttered, having decided to tell him.

"My husband was not very fond of your father. I know he is dead but I am not hesitating to tell that he was not a good man. He gambled and lost a lot of money, never considered me and Adnan his responsibility, his family. Used harsh words towards his father and hated your father"

"We used to live together but after your grandpa's death we separated, Adnan was a teenager then."

Shavez was listening to her intently like she was narrating a tale to an innocent kid, adding details to make him understand. He was younger than Adnan so he didn't really remember any of this except for their faded faces from his memory.

He bent his head down to place it between his hands to support the throbbing pain in his head.

"Your grandfather's will included all his property to your dad and that was where my husband went feral. He planned his accident. I know this because I heard him talking to someone on the phone one day. I didn't quite understand what he was talking about but I knew something terrible was going to happen"

"Then we got the news that they were dead. Both of them died in the same accident. Your father was the target, sure, but karma really played the trick, and my husband who was there in a car to witness the scene didn't come out alive."

Ms. Anees was crying rivers recalling that, and Shavez was blank, his already stinging brain was not catching up, it was refusing to believe whatever he heard but somewhere in the corner he knew she was telling the truth.

The death of his father was a planned murder, he was feeling exactly like he should feel about the entire situation, terrible. Terribly blanched.

"I am sorry because I spent my entire life blaming you people for my husband's death, I never really cared about the upbringing of Adnan. It breaks my heart to hear that he abused his wife, I am really sorry" She said wiping the tears off her face.

Shavez shook his head.

What else could be done when the one chosen to blame actually regrets? Helplessly cannot blame them anymore.

If they cannot be blamed anymore, where should we put the burden of resentment and hatred and accusations we want to throw at them? Swallow it all with the threat of mental damage.

"Say something," The woman said, pulling out a tissue paper from the table top and handing it to Shavez. Though he wasn't shedding any tears like her, she anticipated it decisive.

"You were the one who planted the seed of hatred in Adnan's heart," He said bitterly. "But that still doesn't justify his actions"

"I am not justifying him," The woman said, immediately. "He told me you are quite successful all because you had so much money to invest and be able to follow your passion. He was jealous of you and the way he spoke, I knew there was no turning back on the path he set on. He never told me he worked for you but I knew he was keeping track of your actions. I am sorry I couldn't stop him, when I did, you can see where I landed."

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