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Maybe if we paused our relationship it would be for the better. I hope.

"Kihyun, we need to talk. Alone." I told him. With a bright smile, Kihyun nodded then gestured the other members to wait outside.
"What was it you wanted to talk about?" Kihyun asked me. My heart began to ache, I couldn't believe I was doing this. I held his hand tight and lowered my head.
"Kihyun...I love you but..." I started. Kihyun was no longer smiling.
"Shownu, what's wrong? You're starting to scare me." Kihyun said while concerned.
I let out a sigh and continued.
"I love you but we can't do this right now. Everything bad has happened to you all because of one thing. I had a nightmare about you DYING because of one thing. That thing is my love for you. If I keep on loving you, I'll be putting you in more danger. So what I'm trying to say is... we should have a break, for now." Kihyun's eyes were glistening with tears.

"I-I don't understand- it isn't your fault!" Kihyun tried convincing me.
"It's for the best, Kihyun. Once everything is sorted, we can be back together. But for now, we should have a break. Please trust me." I said with my head still down. Kihyun sighed.
"I trust you, Shownu." He said. The other members came back inside the ward. They obviously heard our conversation.
"There is so much we need to catch you up on, like how I was washing dishes and Jooheon tried to kiss me but he slipped and his head ended up in the sink while the water was running!" Minhyuk said lightening the mood. "You didn't have to mention that..." Jooheon said while covering his face. We chuckled.

We arrived back at our dorm and had a long conversation. Suddenly, Kihyun asked a question.
"Have there been any updates on the stalker?" He asked. The room became quiet.
"Well for a starter, the stalker's real name is Park Young-soo and he hasn't done much after the 'incident'." Hyungwon told him.
"Geez he really has it in for me, doesn't he?" Kihyun responded. "But that's fine, I mean we have a plan to stop him right?" They all looked at me, indicating it was my turn to speak.
"Ah, well uhh. The plan is err.." I started. Kihyun looked at me with a bored look that showed I was testing his patience.

"Okay, okay. The plan is during our next concert, at some point at the end we announce that a stalker is harassing us. That will make the stalker attempt to get up on stage and do as he wishes but before he does so, bodyguards and police officers will stop him. Then Young-soo will finally be gone and we'll be happy again." I start to take deep breaths after saying so much. Kihyun was confused and tried to object but had nothing to say.
"Damn that's a pretty good plan." He admitted. "So when's our next concert?"
"Probably next week. I guess we should prepare, then." Jooheon said.

"I'm just a little bit frustrated, I mean I was just discharged and suddenly now our BEST plan could probably kill me!" Kihyun said. Honestly, I knew he would say something like that. We practised for 1 hour for Kihyun to get back on his feet, then went out for boba to celebrate.

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