Episode 3: Best Laid Plans

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Dawn illuminates a bird's-eye view of Midway. The view narrows to the north side. Cut to a residential side street. It's full of two- and three-story mid-century mansions. Shadows contort around their masonry facades, timeless as they are transient, belonging to another city, another time. Focus on one that is equally grandiose, yet commonplace.


Emma is sleeping in the dark. Her blinds are shut, fending off daylight. Her room resembles an IKEA display, too bare, too clean to be a teenager's, with framed posters; a clean, usable desk; and no knickknacks or kitsch. As Emma's sunlight-simulating alarm on her nightstand starts to glow faintly, her mother flings open her door and turns on the lights.

SUJIN: (in Korean) Good morning!

EMMA: Ugh! Mom, what're you--

Emma burrows under the sheets, pulls them tight, and balls up into the fetal position. Her mother advances.

SUJIN: (in English) Come on, Emma, we talked about this yesterday.

Sujin is carrying a tray with a tall glass of juice and a bowl. She sets it on Emma's desk and opens the blinds.

SUJIN (CONT'D): You can't sleep in. You have your SAT prep class evaluation this afternoon, and you need to finish your studies first.

Inside her tight cocoon of covers, Emma is non-responsive.

SUJIN (CONT'D)I brought you breakfast.

Emma pokes solely her head out of her covers.

EMMA: What kind of breakfast?

Cut to Emma in her PJs, eating breathlessly at her desk. With her daughter distracted, Sujin steps back and eyes her nightstand. A phone is charging on the uncluttered surface. Sujin picks it up and slips it into her pocket.

EMMA (CONT'D)Can I at least study at the bookstore again?

SUJIN: Maybe tomorrow.

EMMA: This is so-- (biting her tongue) I already took an SAT prep class in California.

SUJIN: No, that was the prep class for the prep class. This is the prep class.

Emma flops her empty bowl onto the tray.

EMMA: Ah, what was I thinking?

SUJIN: All right, time to study.

Sujin picks up the tray. Cut to her walking out of the room. Emma waits for Sujin to round the corner, then opens her laptop, types in "Facebook.com", and pushes enter. The browser refreshes, only to display the message, "Ask your parent / You need permission to visit this site".

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