He's Leaving?

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Celests pov

I hummed to myself as I walked home from school. I was quite excited to get back home for once. Why? Because there's a cute little boy waiting for me there. I can't wait to see that little smile and that broken english. He's the only thing interesting in my life anymore.

I walked through the door only to hear the most awful thing..

"yes that little boy there. I'd be happy to give him up tomorrow" my father muttered on the phone "yes yes, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye" he hung up.

"what on earth were you talking about?" I exploded as soon as he hung up.

"young lady don't you dare raise your voice at-"

"shut up!" I yelled as I picked kokichi up "you can't give him up! You promised to look after him you cowereds!"

"we promised no such thing" mother put her hands on her hips "we're taking little Kokichi to a orphanage where he'll be looked after probably"

"but we can look after him here" I tried to reason with them "we have a responsibility to him. We can't just throw him away like a used tissue!"

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" father grabbed me roughly by the arm.

"owch that hurts" I protested.

"I've had it up to here with your disrespect" he pulled me close to his face "I am the parent and you are the child. It's about time you learned that" he snatched kokichi out of my arms. He kicked and screamed but father ignored his protests "now go to your room!"

I raced upstairs with hot tears running down my face. They won't listen to me. WHY WON'T THEY LISTEN TO ME!

I collapsed onto my bed and hugged my pillow. I could feel a fire burning in my eyes.

"I won't let them take you kokichi"

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