Who's In The Exiel?

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Shuichis pov

"ahh at last the guest of honor has arrived" Monokuma said proudly as the elevator slowly descended down. We all watched in anticipation. Whoever was in that elevator was our culprit...

The last thing we expected was an excil to come down.

"sidekick! Maki-roll! There's no need to worry any more. I kaito mamota is here" the voice of kaito came out.

"kaito?" maki muttered softly.

"nehehe that was just a lie" the cheerful voice of kokichi ouma rang out "what did you think of my acting skills? Pretty great huuuh?"

"neah your terrible!" himiko yelled.

"I see. So whoevers in the excel is using a voice moderater" I muttered.

"then how are we supposed to know who's in the excel?" tsumugi turned pale.

"it's obviously kokichi!" maki growled "kaito is the victim. That rat is the one who killed him!"

"I don't believe that" I said calmly "kaito wouldn't die so easily"

"that's just your emotions talking" maki growled "you can't solve a trail with emotions alone!"

"nehehe but isn't that how idiot-chan would have done it" kokichi giggled.

"I agree with shuichi" kaitos voice came next "he hasn't steered us wrong yet"

"you shut up!" himiko glared at it.

"I have proof" I spoke up "I found kokichis ripped up shirt. That suggests that kokichi could have also been a victim"

"that was just from my arrows" maki yelled "it means nothing!"

"also doesn't it just make sense for kokichi to be the victim" I yelled back "Kokichis a small boy. It's unlikely he could have dragged a guy kaitos size all the way to the hydraulic press. While kaito could have easily picked up kokichi and carried him there"

Maki was speechless. It looks like I won but it doesn't feel like a victory.

"so who's in the excel? Kaito or kokichi?" kiibo spoke up.

I paused for a moment before speaking "logically it should be kaito in there but my heart is telling me that kaito would never kill anyone. Not even kokichi. My head or my heart. I don't know what to believe"

"in that case why don't we see for ourselves!" Monokuma said brightly as he forced the excal open...

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