Sneaking Into School

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Kokichis pov

I ran to hopes peak with the letter clutched to my chest. I know an outsider like me isn't allowed in a school like hopes peak but this is an emergency! I need to get this letter to big sis as soon as possible!

So I carefully snuck past the gaurd, using my small size to my advantage and ran inside.

I raced down the hallway, feeling scared and confused. This place is much bigger than I thought. How am I ever going to find big sis in this place-

"hello?" I turned around to see a girl with violet hair staring at me "I don't think your suppose to be here little boy"

I immediately burst into tears. I couldn't help it. I'm lost in a big school and the electricity going to go out. This is the worst day ever!

She immediately panicked "now now there's no need for tears" she bent down and awkwardly pet my head "why don't you tell me why your here"

"b-big sis" I whimpered.

"Big sis? Dose your sister go here?" she asked.

I nodded tearfully "B-big sister c-celest. I have to f-find her b-before the electricity gose out"

"my you've had quite the stressful day haven't you" she smiled sympathetically "Well not to worry. Celest is in my class so why don't I take you to her"

"t-thanks miss" I wiped my tears away and took her hand. Maybe I'll be ok now.

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