Jaune: "You know what else is great? Me. Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you."

Jaune literally steps between them.

Weiss: (irritated) "You again?"

(Y/n) blinks a couple times before turning to his left and indeed seeing Jaune Arc is not there anymore.

Pyrrha hurriedly steps up to greet Jaune.

Pyrrha: "Nice to meet you, Jaune!"

Jaune: "Yeah yeah."

He pushes her aside and continues trying to flirt with Weiss by posing in front of her.

Jaune: "So, Weiss, couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day."

Weiss: "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!"

Jaune: "Don't worry! No need to be embarrassed! So, been hearing rumors about teams! I was thinking you and me would make a good one! What do you say?"

(Y/n) cringes and decides he should probably save his friend's ass.

Pyrrha: (getting Jaune's attention) "Actually, I think the teams are comprised of four students each, so-"

Jaune: "You don't say. Well, hot stuff, play your cards right and maybe you could join up with the winning team."

Ok he should definitely save his friend's ass!

Weiss: (separating the two) "Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"

Jaune: "Not in the slightest, snow angel."

....Or maybe, just maybe, he should let this play out and let him learn.

Weiss: "This is Pyrrha."

Pyrrha: "Hello again!"

Weiss: "Pyrrha graduated top of her class at Sanctum!"

Jaune: "Never heard of it."

Weiss: (scoffs) "She's won the Mistral Region Tournaments four years in a row! A new record!"

Jaune: "The what?"

Weiss: (waving her arms rapidly in anger) "She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!"

Jaune: (gasp!) "That's you?! But they only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!"

Pyrrha: "Yeah, it was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you."

Weiss: "So, after hearing all of this, do you really think you're in a position to ask her to be on your team?"

Jaune: "I guess not... Sorry..."

Pyrrha: "Actually, Jaune, I think you'd make a great leader!"

Jaune: (immediately brightening back up) "D'oh, stop it!"

Weiss: "Seriously, please stop it. This kind of behavior should not be encouraged!"

Jaune: "Sounds like Pyrrha's on board for Team Jaune. Spots are filling up quick! Now, I'm not supposed to do this, but maybe I could pull some strings, find a place for you. What do you say?"

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