chapter 4

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Next day
Nialls pov

I fell asleep on the couch that's a new one. Today I'm gonna give music on a elementary School cus they asked me to come.

I change in normal clothes and leave. I'll eat when I'm back or something. I arrive and place my stuff. The teacher is very nice and she gives me a list of names.

Darcy Wilde? Would that be the kid of Olivia Wilde and Harry styles. Parents walk in with the kids and than I see Harry. He walks up to me.

"I uh texted you yesterday but you didn't answer" honestly I didn't even see it I'm just in shock that Harry has a kid. "Not been on my phone yet" I try to stop this conversation but it doesn't work. "Well the question was if you wanna join us for dinner tonight?" I just nod and he gives me a hug.

He walks away smiling so bad that everyone oehs in the classroom. Even darcy so I laugh. I start to teach music and after that darcy comes to me. "Daddy won't stop talking about you to me! I like you more than mommy" she goes back to her place and I go home. Harry still talk about me? I'm glad to know that!

After school
Darcys pov

Mommy picks me up and when I get home daddy is making dinner. Usually is mommy making dinner but now it's daddy! Why?

I go sit on the kitchen table. I haven't seen daddy so happy like ever! Not even with mum.

"Daddy can I ask you something?" He nods and I help him making dinner. "How does it make you feel when you're in love?" I ask him.

"That person makes you feel safe and when you think of the person or talk about the person you start to smile so bad. You always wanna know how they are and when you're with them you're even more happy" he tells. "So you are now cus Niall comes" he goes pale and looks at me. "You can't tell mommy that okay?" I nod and smile. "I like niall better than mommy anyway"

Harrys pov

I never noticed I did those things while I talked to niall or about. But well I am happy to have a daughter as darcy that knows better. The doorbell rings and I open it. "Hey mate thanks that you wanna come" he hugs me and that's the first one in 5 years.

We sit down and talk. He just doesn't look the same when I talk about Olivia he seems sad or something.

"Niall wanna go for a walk?" He nods and the 2 of us are going for a walk. "I'm sorry if I did something wrong" I say. "It's fine" he says. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have reacted that rude" "its alright if you wanna tell me why?"

He shrugs and I look at him. "I don't know what to tell cus I don't wanna tell anyone yet" I look confused. "I had to blame someone for breaking up the band and cus you're the most famous right now so I started blaming you and myself cus I wanted to someone anyone"

"That kinda hurts but I don't blame you for that. But we both know it was for the best right?" I ask him. "I know Simon ruined always everything but when I was with you lads I was fine. Now I have to deal with Simon on my own!"

"Simon is still your manager?" I ask him. "Yeah and I just can't get rid of him. Yesterday I had this whole thing planned and you ruined it I'm sorry to say it" he says. "You still could have" I say but he shakes his head. "No I didn't otherwise I would" he says than. "Well I'm sorry I ruined it what ever you planned" he smiles as we walk. "Darcy is really sweet btw" he says than. "I know" I answer. "She got it from you" he says.

His smile is insane cute and than with that hair. "Thanks that the nicest thing you said to me these days" I say. He comes a bit closer to me and does something to my hair.

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