Chapter 27 - Abigail and Friends

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Today's going to be a big day for Taylor. Today she's seeing Abigail for the first time in over a year, and she's going alone. Joe had offered to come, and Taylor had thought about it for a few days before ultimately deciding she really needed to do this one by herself. But her and Abigail are going to meet up with some other friends later in the evening, and Joe's going to join them all then so he can meet her friends. She's a bit worried about burning out today if she's completely honest, but she's hoping it'll be okay. She's a complete bundle of nerves and excitement, she's so happy that she finally has the freedom to go see her friends. She'd missed them. And Abigail had been so good when Taylor had finally called her and told her what had happened, so at least she knows that she isn't going to be attacked by her friend for having dropped contact. 

As Taylor sits on the balcony, a mug of coffee in her hands, she can't help but feel grateful for the turn her life had taken. She's able to just sit out here, not worrying about whether Adam could be watching, or whether he was angry, or on some violent vengeful warpath. Instead, she knows that the love of her life is sleeping just on the other side of the sliding door, and that she's finally free to be happy, and do exactly what she wants to do. 

She's only alone for a few moments more before she hears the sliding door open gently. She looks up at Joe and smiles, letting him take her hand as he sits down beside her. There's just something about the way his hand feels holding hers that makes her feel safe, like she could take on anything she wants. 

"Morning." He says gently, kissing the back of her hand. 

"Morning." She replies, using her free hand to pull his face closer so their lips could meet. There's a silence for a while, as Taylor realises how much she loves being outdoors, how happy she is that Joe is here with her. 

"Are you looking forward to today?" Joe asks softly, gently caressing her knuckles. 

"I am. I mean, it'll be weird, and I'm still slightly scared, but I'm feeling more confident in my ability to do this after yesterday with my mom." She answers him truthfully, looking into his eyes as she does. 

"You're the strongest person I know, you can do anything - even when you think you can't" His words cause her to blush, she can feel the growing heat in her cheeks. 

"I love you." She murmurs after a moment.

"I love you too."


As Taylor pulls up to the front of the restaurant, she can't help but feel nervous. It takes her a few moments to collect herself before she steps out of the Uber. Abigail had already messaged her that she had arrived and was waiting for her at the table. Taylor scans the café and feels her heart rate increase when she spots Abigail. She watches as her friend stands up with a wide grin on her face, ushering her over. Taylor walks over to her, a grin spreading on her face. Abigail reaches out and pulls her into the biggest hug, and just like that, her nerves are gone. 

"I missed you!!" Abigail exclaims, squeezing her tight before letting go. 

"I missed you too!!" Taylor smiles, both sitting down before immediately chatting about everything. They don't mention Adam at all, but their conversation, and their friendship returns so smoothly that you wouldn't even notice they hadn't spoken in almost a year. Taylor's glad that she'd done this. She loves Abigail so much, she'd really missed her. 

Once their food arrives, the conversation takes a more serious turn. 

"Are you ready for tonight?" Abigail asks softly. 

"I'm not too sure if I'm completely honest" Taylor answers, biting her lip. "I mean, I want to see everyone, but I'm so entirely exhausted after just everything and I don't even know how to explain half of it." She feels Abigail grab her hand earnestly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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