Chapter 26 - Nashville

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Two weeks pass and their time in London comes to an end. Taylor's sad to say goodbye to the place, she'll genuinely miss Joe's friends and family. London has been so incredibly freeing for her. This had been a trip she'd truly needed. Now the two of them are sitting on a plane, snuggled up under a blanket on their way to Nashville. Taylor's nervous, she's retuning to an old life that had continued without her while she'd been with Adam. She can't help but wonder how much has changed while she's been gone. It almost scares her. 

"What are you thinking about love?" Joe's soft voice jolts her out of her thoughts. She sighs, resting her head against his shoulder. 

"Just thinking about how much has probably changed since I've been gone. How much I've probably missed while I was stuck." She feels his fingers gently rub her head. 

"I really can't imagine what it's going to feel like for you. But I do think you'll have a good time catching up with everyone. All your friends seem super supportive of you Taylor, your parents too." Taylor just looks up at him, pressing her lips to his. 

"Thank you for coming with me." She murmurs, snuggling into his side again. 

"Of course, wherever you go, I'll follow." 

They've decided not to stay with Taylor's mom, to be honest she's a bit afraid it's all going to be super overwhelming for her and she's going to need her own space to retreat. They're flying in late anyway, so it just made more sense for them to crash in a hotel, rather than bother her mom late at night. 

Before long, they touch down in Nashville. The moment they step off the plane, Taylor just feels at home. This is where she grew up, her formative years were all here. But god she feels so far away from the person she was when she left. She's been through so much since then. 

The pair of them hurry through baggage collection before quickly getting in an Uber. She's exhausted at this point, her whole body feels lethargic, but she supposes that's the jet lag and the fact that they've been travelling for most of the day. She leans against Joe, thankful for his arm being around her. Just as she's about to properly drift off, they drive outside their hotel. Joe grabs their bags, insisting on carrying hers as they check in and make their way up to their room. She's so exhausted by the time they make it to the room that she just collapses on the bed, sighing as she feels the soft mattress underneath her. Finally, a comfortable bed - the day of travelling hasn't exactly been the most comfortable thing ever. She feels a dip in the bed next to her, Joe having joined her laying on the bed. She moves her head to look at him, smiling, before entwining her fingers with his.

"I'm glad you're here with me." She murmurs. He smiles at her, gently pecking her cheek. 

"I'm excited to meet your friends and family." He says softly, genuinely, exhaustion clear in his voice. 

"C'mon let's get changed and sleep." She says, but making no effort to move. Joe's arms wind around her, pulling her body close. She rests her head in the crook of his neck, soaking in his warmth and letting it lull her closer to dreamland. But just as she's about to drift off, Joe sits them up. She groans, pressing her face into his chest.

"We'll regret it if we don't get comfy." He gently kisses her forehead. 

"Mmm." She replies, her eyes still closed. She feels him stand up, picking her up with him. "Joeeeee" She whines, finally opening her eyes to look at him, winding her arms around his neck. He just grins at her, setting her down in their ensuite and handing her some PJ's. 

"Get dressed, I'll be waiting for you in bed when you're done." He gently kisses her lips before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. She's exhausted so she changed quickly, throwing her hair up into a small bun and leaving the bathroom, climbing into bed beside Joe and falling into waiting arms, her own winding around his waist. "Sleep tight love." He murmurs, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head.

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