24. Crush

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Hailey Aspen-

He laid with me afterward, letting me wear his hoodie, playing with my hair.

I was so relaxed and in a complete state of bliss.

This boy was helping me find out things about myself I didn't even know.

I was all for it.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"I am." I turned to my other side, facing him.

He studied my face, cupping my cheek.

"The fact that you have no bottoms on but are wearing my hoodie make me very happy." He grinned.

He was stunning. 

"You'd look so pretty with those gems on your canines." I mumbled.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"They're removable if you don't like them." I shrugged.

"I'll consider it." He winked.

He was so fucking hot.

His lips were pink, his teeth the most charming, white version of imperfect.

Canines defined making me realize why the fuck they feel so good on my skin. He licked his lips, my eyes finding his black ones.

"What?" He smirked.

"I have the biggest crush on you." I looked at him.

"What's that mean? You have me." He tilted his head more, his wavy hair slightly falling onto his forehead.

Now I was staring at the slit in his eyebrow.

"It's not the same." I shook my head.

"No? Explain it to me." He smirked, his eyes relaxing, seducing me.

I need to see him next time he touches me. I fucking can't.

"A crush. Yeah I'm into you, obliviously, but I'm so giddy. I literally want to pass out everytime I'm around you and I'm still convinced a man like you isn't real because it's too good. And you're so cute." I laughed, red lacing my face.

"Fuck." Whispered, his thumb tugging at my lip.

"Is that how you feel?" He asked me, his voice getting so quiet.

"Yeah." I looked at him, giving my best doe eyes as his thumb was toying with me.

"You're so pretty Hailey." He barely mumbled.

It wasn't a whisper anymore, I was lucky to even hear that.

I gasped, his thumb moving, his hand gripping my throat as he climbed on top of me, kissing me.

I lost my breath, his tongue gently sliding against mine.

"I'm gonna be romantic about it later, but just tell me you're mine." He kissed my cheek, to my jaw, his tongue caressing my throat before he kissed and sucked my skin.

"I'm yours." I gasped as he was making a hickey on my throat.

He hummed, pecking my lips again.

"I should leave you alone. I'm all over you." He smiled at me, his lips wet with saliva, shining and tempting me in all sorts of ways.

"I'm okay with it." I looked up at him and he hummed.

"I'll lay with you. You should sleep." He told me.

"You're distracting right now." I mumbled.

"Why?" He stayed over me, his fingers moving hair from my face.

"Because you are." I told him.

"I don't wanna move too fast with you though. I feel like I'm rushing things." He confessed, his eyes worried.

"You're not rushing anything. I'm not rushed, am I rushing you?" I asked.

"Not at all sweetheart. I've just never done this before." He looked down, touching what he did to my neck.

"It's okay. These things are natural, I don't think it's too fast and I don't feel rushed. I just think we find each other attractive in a lot of ways one especially being physically." I shrugged.

"You can say that again." He nodded.

I laughed.

"So we're good then?" He asked.

"Very." I whispered and he kissed me.

He laid on my chest, his nose on my neck as my hands massaged his hair.

"This is so good." He whispered.

I smiled.

This was my heaven.

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