2. Perfect Timing

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Travis Swanson-

"Im sorry." Carmen came into my apartment.

"For?" I asked.

"I didn't think he was gonna be a total douche. But don't you think he's right-"

"I have a tutor, I'll pass, but not with a dick cheering me on so he can feed his ego with my talent. That's not my shit and you know that Carm." I shrugged, cutting the grilled cheese I made for myself, while scooping the tomato soup into a small bowl.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry, I'm so excited and it sucks that you're not there yet." He sighed.

"We will be. But I'm a student, I'm getting help, and I want my music degree. But I'm not talking to that abomination of a man again." I shook my head and he nodded.

"I understand 100%. I'll wait for you always." He frowned and I smiled, knowing he felt guilty for nothing he could control.



"Stop pouting. We're not 8 anymore, I'm fine, we're fine, he was a douche, it's over." I shrugged and he ran to me.

"Oh how I love you! You're just the sweetest-"

"Okay, hold on." I tried peeling myself from his arms.

"You didn't let me finish." He grabbed onto me tighter.

"Because I'm dying." I gasped as my ribs were getting squeezed.

"God, it's been 17 years and you still whine. Just love me!" He yelled and I laughed.

"You need to find a man just as clingy as you." I wiggled so I could hug him back.

"Yeah but you're different. You're like a baby blanket. A boyfriend isn't." He sighed.

"Am not."

"Are too! You are literally my comfort teddy. Anyways, have you met your tutor?" He asked, finally backing away.

"No. I'm gonna email her-"

"A her? No way! Is she pretty?" He winked.

"Shut up, and I only read her resume." I shrugged.


"Nothing much, her name is Hailey, she reads, and she's getting her masters in youth education. That's all I know." I ate my grilled cheese.

"So you'll let me know if-"

"She's a tutor. Calm down." I shook my head.

"Ugh. You're so boring." He sighed.

"Then why are you still here?" I asked.

"Because you suck." He mumbled.

"Mmhm. Anyways, let me eat in piece." I glared.

"Yeah yeah. I'll leave you alone princess." He teased.

"Please do!" I yelled.


Hailey, I apologize for the randomness of this email-


My name is-

Not it.

Hey, I hope your day went well. My name is Travis Swanson I am currently trying to finish my general education so I can begin studying music. You were recommended to me and I hope you can get back to me with your availability?
Thank you,

I sent it but I hated it but I can pass it off as exhaustion because it's 10 pm.

I stood, stretching, and before I shut my laptop I was already receiving an email back.

Hi Travis, I appreciate you reaching out! I am free whenever, preferably not the weekends and Thursdays but other than that, I can begin tutoring you whenever you need.

I blinked at the screen.

Would you be troubled beginning tomorrow? I have a paper due and I would like assistance revising it, if not it would be okay as well.

This was embarrassing.

That's just fine, I'm free earlier in the morning, does 10:30 work? We can meet at the cafe on campus.

That's just fine, I appreciate this very much, thank you.

And I shut my laptop, getting ready for bed.

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