18. Feral

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Hailey Aspen-

I walked back into my dorm, the two basically cuddling on the floor while sleeping and I laughed.

I'd been up a while, got ready, brushing my teeth and everything before leaving.

I set the donuts on my little table, grabbing myself a plate and picking the ones I got for myself.

I sat on my bed, eating them as I took off my coat and shoved my hair back up in a bun.

I hummed, the chocolate frosted one hitting the spot.

"Get off me." I heard Travis groan, shoving Carms arm off his face.

"Fuck off." He turned and I smiled.

Carmen looked at me, blinking a few times.

I smiled and he winked.

"Trade with me. Annoy him." He mouthed and I nodded, setting my plate down.

I took his spot by Travis, putting my arm across his chest.

"Stop fucking touching me." He turned over.

I laughed silently, swinging my leg over him too.

"Carmen I swear to fuck-"

He opened his eyes and I smiled at him.

"Oh. It's you." He looked shocked before grabbing me and pulling me under his body.

I groaned, his weight heavy.

"Have fun loser." Carmen laughed at me.

"I got donuts." I heaved and he immediately got off me, standing really fast I thought he was about to fall.

"Shit." He mumbled.

I sat myself up, grabbing my plate and just eating on the floor where I was at.

"We're gonna go brush our teeth." They told me and I nodded.

I just ate while they came back, getting their donuts.

I hummed, them both sitting by me with their plates.

"Soooo... have you kissed yet?" Carmen asked and I laughed, covering my mouth with my hand while Travis glared at him, clearly embarrassed.

"What? I have a right to know these things." He told him and I just laughed, trying to swallow the bite I had in my mouth.

He looked at me and I shook my head no.

"And why not?" He asked, making Travis shove him.

"I'm not pushing anything." I mumbled.

"Ohhh she knows?" He wiggled his eyebrows at Travis.

"Oh my god. Stop." He was obviously red as a tomato, trying to laugh it off.

"Y'all are grown ass adults. Stop acting like a middle schooler Travis." Carmen told him.

"And I respect your choices but I still have to ask." He nodded.

"You're so kind." Travis said, sarcastically with a grin on his face.

"Soooo... oh by the way, touching is his love language." Carmen faked a tear, wiping it from his eye.

"Can you- Carmen? Please stop." Travis mumbled.

"Do you hold hands?" He asked me and I nodded excitedly.

"Seriously? I knew it. Softie." He hit Travis in the arm.

"You really like embarrassing him Hm?" I asked.

"He never gets embarrassed like this. Ever. So I'm taking advantage." He shrugged.

"Okay okay. Fair." I nodded.

"Maybe I can have your brother come earlier to do the same to you?" Travis looked at me and I laughed.

"No. Please don't." I shook my head.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Nuh uh. You do that and I swear to god I will not let you come back here after today." I told him.

He frowned.

"Don't say that." He whispered like I really hurt him.

"Then don't." I crossed my arms.

"Fine. But don't say that." He bit his donut.

"As much as I'd love to stay, I have to get ready for class." Carmen stood when he finished his food.

"Have fun." I teased.

"Ha-ha." He pulled on his coat.

I was shocked when he kissed my hair and he did the same to Travis.

"Love y'all, bye." He left.

"Get used to it." Travis mumbled and I laughed.

"Okay." I kept eating.

"You good? You're quiet." I looked at him.

"Mmhm." He took another bite.

"You're a bad liar. Embarrassed?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Why? Talk to me." I scooted closer to him.

"I've never been embarrassed of being inexperienced until now." He told me.

"Why is that embarrassing to you?" I asked.

"Because, I feel like I know how to do it but I've never done it so I don't actually know. I don't know how to kiss you right or when I even should attempt, I wouldn't know the first thing when it comes to making you feel good. I know what to do when I'm in it, I do, I'm not clueless but before all that stuff. Like the process of turning a girl on before anything furthers or how to tease y-her. I don't know how to talk, where to touch, what to do. It's embarrassing." He confessed to me.

I smiled.

"It's really easy." I whispered.

He looked at me, surprised with how I answered.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Mmhm. Especially if she's into you too." I nodded.


"Stop. I can teach you. There's no reason to be embarrassed. At all." I shook my head.

It was clear he didn't know what to say and I laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"You're gonna teach me?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I can. If you're fine with it." I told him.

"I-I am." He nodded.

I moved, moving his now empty plate to the side before straddling his lap.

"Fuck." He mumbled immediately.

"Hands." I nodded to his.

"Where do I-"

"Anywhere." I whispered.

He put them on my waist, them immediately sliding down on my hips.

"See, you're into me so it makes it very easy for me to already arouse you." I chuckled, my hands running through his hair.

He hummed, I bit my lip.

He was so fucking hot. I didn't know how I ended up here, or how I am capable of making him feel like this, but I was doing it.

I was fucking doing it.

"It's instinct. It's what feels right." I mumbled, watching his eyes open again.

"I wanna know how to make you feel like I do." He whispered.

I smiled, one of my hands touching his throat.

"This would be easier for you to do. Your hand is much bigger than my neck." I whispered and he looked feral.


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