Chapter 20

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Jennie entered the office room mumbling "you called me Tae".

"Yeah Jennie......  actually Jungkook will be assisting you from now on."

"Whattt???" Both Jungkook and Jennie screamed at the same time.

"Yes" Taehyung calmly replied.

"But Ta....."

"No buts... Jennie, you will be working as  my secretary. You will need an assistant. My former secretary literally  used to handle my whole official works. He never gave a chance to complain. He never disappointed me. Now he has taken a leave because of his mother's treatment. It will take a long. So until then you have to handle all this. It will not be easy. Jungkook will help you with your work and it will be good chance for Jungkook to learn things."  He further said while looking at Jungkook " you will be directly working with me and Jennie. It's an opportunity for you. You will be a part of important projects, meetings and many more and it will add experience to your work."

After thinking for a while Jennie smirked and said "okk, I don't have any problem".

"Me neither" jungkook said smiling evilly.

"Okay" Taehyung said.

"Mr Kim???" Jungkook said but immediately got cut by the elder "Sir".
"Call me Sir"

Jungkook smirkingly turned towards Jennie and began to say " understand Miss Jennie!! it's Sir, not Tae, such an unprofessional behaviour". He mumbled leaving a dumbfounded Jennie on the spot. The elder was trying hard to not to laugh at the audacity of the younger. Jennie took a little time to process what just happened."Did he just insulted me.....??? ......ughh I will not spare him." She stompped her feet in aggression.


Jennie and Jungkook were working, Not actually working...... fighting with each other...... with words obviously.
Jennie said "bring me a coffee". Jungkook declined saying I'm not your servant, Miss Jennie". "Don't you know that it's a part of your job,such an unprofessional bratt" Jennie said targetting the younger for the past event. Jungkook bluntly replied "Oh!! you seems to be very professional in this job Miss Jennie. How many years of experience do you have in serving coffee??"

After hearing this, all the employees started laughing loudly. Some even secretly admired the younger. Jennie was really trying to be bossy since she got the job of a secretary. Employees didn't liked her behaviour at all. They were silently praying for someone who can shut her mouth. And here he is the sassy Kim Jungkook, who can even shut The Kim Taehyung's mouth up.

 And here he is the sassy Kim Jungkook, who can even shut The Kim Taehyung's mouth up

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Jennie knows very well that she messed up with a wrong guy. She has  been insulted twice on the very first day. But, she can't handle it anymore. She need to teach him a lesson. She stood up and began to walk towards Taehyung's cabin. She went inside and started complaining "Tae, ....uh Sir actually Jungkook is not doing his work properly. I told him to bring a cup of coffee for me but, he just denied...........
Her words got interrupted by Jungkook's sweetest voice "Mam your coffee and Sir this is your coffee ☕"

"Thank you Jungkook" Taehyung thanked the younger earning a shy smile.

"Miss Jennie, don't fight over such silly things and don't always come to me with such ridiculous complains. I'm not a nursery teacher. I have so many important works to do. I would suggest you to focus on your work instead of targetting Jungkook for no reasons."

"But Si...."

"Leave, both of you"

Jennie gritted her teeth before saying "Ye... Yes Sir"

Jungkook smirked while looking at Jennie.

Jennie walked closer to him and threatened "I will see you".

"Yeah Miss Jennie You can see me as much as you want afterall I am so hot. People can't resist seeing me." He walked a little bit more closer to her and whispered in her ears "even Mr Kim can't resist my hotness".

This made Jennie more mad and insecure

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This made Jennie more mad and insecure. She got frustrated and left from there. The day went like this.....  Jennie trying her best to insult Jungkook but, instead resulted in making a joke out of herself. Jungkook enjoyed everything way to much.

"No matter what you do Jungkook, I will definitely have what's mine. I love my Tae from childhood. I will not let you two end up together." Jennie talked to herself.....

On the other side.....
Taehyung was sitting on his moving Chair smiling at a particular bunny in the CCTV footage connected to his phone. He is really enjoying the mischievous act of the bunny. "So finally you are jealous for me.... I see".

I hope you guys love it

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I hope you guys love it.❣️❣️❣️

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