Chapter 9

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It was the weekend today. Jungkook was relaxing on the couch while listening to the music. Taehyung was busy making sandwiches for their breakfast. On weekends, the elder loves to do the whole house chores by himself so he had given leave to the maids.

They had just returned from the jogging. Actually, it had a been a habit of the two to jogg early in the morning. Well Taehyung was habituated to it but nowadays the younger has also started joining him after giving up on all the techniques he tried for the elder to wake up late.
So here they are......

Taehyung came up with two plates of sandwich and placed it on the dinning table. He called for Jungkook........but the younger had headphones. He didn't heard him. Taehyung went to the younger and removed the headphones. Jungkook halted on his space. He looked at the elder and started screaming...... Why did you removed it.... can't you see I was enjoying the music. You totally spoiled my mood. He pouted.

Taehyung cooed internally. "Such a baby you are. You know what you look so cute when you are angry" Taehyung stated.

"Whatever", Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Okk now let's have our breakfast otherwise it will get cold."

They both were munching on their food silently. Taehyung was looking at his hungry bunny in an awww. Jungkook caught him staring...... he stated "you should focus on your food Mr Kim". Taehyung removed his gaze from him and looked back to his plate .......he was beyond amusement. His plate was empty. He had only ate two to three bites and where did the sandwiches vanished. He took no time to understand the fact that his hungry husband has eaten all his sandwiches.

He glanced at his husband......... Jungkook noticed it........... "What??.....Why are you glaring at me like that....... you were not looking interested in your food, you were busy staring at me so I ate your sandwiches....... Didn't you told me that I have the right on your everything?? So, it means that I have the right on your food also."

Taehyung stood speechless there......

Actually the younger was right. So there is no point of discussion.

It was afternoon and taehyung was ironing his clothes in the hall. He saw jungkook coming up downstairs with a bunch of clothes that even his face was barely visible. Taehyung hurriedly went towards him and helped him with the clothes.

Taehyung asked "what are you doing with so many clothes dear ??"

"I brought it for ironing. Please iron my clothes also. You know I'm not good at these things. I may end up burning my clothes......" jungkook replied.

Taehyung gulped first by looking at the n number of clothes but being a husband material he is..... he smiled and kissed the younger's cheek and  said "of course love.... anything for you."

Jungkook thompped his feet in anger and went upstairs blabbering..... ... "huh!! ....he didn't even reacted, I gave him so many clothes to annoy him but what he did..... kissed me.....uggghhh....... such a pervert.
I will not spare him that easily. Now see how will I embarrase you infront of everyone.

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