Chapter 2

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Taehyung was lying on his bed, trying to sleep but then he reminded Mr Jeon's word...

"Jungkook is not a bad person,Tae. He is a kind and good hearted person but he is just a little bit spoiled. After his mother's death, he has distanced himself from love, relationship and all and on top of that, his step mother and  sister always hurts him with their harsh words. To avoid all this, most of the time,he doesn't return home. Sometimes,he returns home drunk, that also at midnight. He is spoiling himself. Tae, as a father I  am requesting you to take care of my child. I can only trust you dear. Please take care of my child. I'm leaving him to you. He is your husband now," thinking all this, he felt asleep.

In the morning

Taehyung woke up early in the morning. It was 5a.m, (well you can't blame him) he has the habit of early rising. He did his morning routine as usual and then got ready for jogging but then he suddenly remembered that he does not live alone in his mansion. Now he has a husband. So he decided to awake jungkook.

In Jungkook's room

Jungkook was sound asleep. Suddenly he heard a buzzing sound from the left side of his bed. He groaned and raised his hands to the table to turn off the buzzing alarm and driffted back to sleep. Once more  something started buzzing from the right side of his bed, he turned off the buzzing sound and was about to sleep but then again he heard a buzzing sound. Now this time he got completely irritated and was wide awake. He was cursing Taehyung and turned off the third alarm. Little did he had any idea that Taehyung was enjoying all this from his room.

Taehyung came to his room and greeted  "You are awake!! Good morning wifey."

Jungkook got frustrated. He angrily replied "good morning my ass!!..... and what's with this nickname and all..... and who the hell in the world torture like this. How many alarms have you set  in my room. It's only 5o' clock and you woke me up."

"You should wake up early in the morning, wifey. Its a good habit,love."

"Don't lecture me about good habits, I am not a 5 year kid and yeah who is your love, stop calling me with these nicknames."

"Ok darling!! Go and get ready, we are going for jogging".

"And who told you that I wil join you for jogging"??  the younger questioned back.

"Just say you don't have much stamina. You will get tired after 2 rounds of jogging" Taehyung challenged him.

"Oh really, you think I can't jog more than two rounds. Let's see then."

(Well Taehyung hit the right spot.)

In the park

Both Taehyung and Jungkook were jogging. They completed almost 4 rounds (well the younger's body is not for a show). Taehyung was impressed and he was looking at jungkook with heartful eyes. Suddenly jungkook spoke "didn't you say that I will get tired after two rounds,I don't have much stamina..... blah blah..... So, what happened??" 

"Yeah I'm impressed. I didn't expect you to be this much energetic", the older praised the younger making him smile.

After 6 rounds of jogging, Jungkook got tired and  sat on the grass but Taehyung was continuously jogging. Jungkook thought "don't he get tired?
Is he a machine or what? My legs are hurting so badly and he is still running".

They returned back home after completing jogging.

Guys plsss love and support. There are  many interesting things going to happen in the future. Keep reading..
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