Chapter 27

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The Kim couples came to their mansion. Taehyung didn't left jungkook's hand and dragged him towards their respective bedroom. After reaching there, jungkook removed Taehyung's hold and went straight to washroom. Taehyung was about to say something but till then Jungkook was already gone. It was almost one and half hour since Jungkook went to washroom but he didn't came out. Now Taehyung decided to knock. He first knocked at the door but he didn't get any response. He again knocked but again he got no answer. He even called for Jungkook but once again no one answered. The elder got worried. He thought to crack the door. Taehyung took two steps back and then kicked the door and that's it...... he fell down in the bathroom coz jungkook had opened the door. Taehyung fell down with a loud thud. He hurt his bum. Watching all this, Jungkook starting laughing very loudly scrunching his bunny teeth. Taehyung was looking utter dumb. He stood up rubbing his bum. By this time, Jungkook was laughing and enjoying at the other's misery. Taehyung let him laugh. Then he went to the younger and pulled him in his own arms tightly and dragged him under the shower. Jungkook started shouting at the elder "What are you doing? I have already bathed.

"But I have not bathed yet" Taehyung replied.

"Then you take your bath and leave me I am done."

"Nope baby, you were enjoying too much of my misery. Now you have to bath with me it's your punishment."


"Yes baby love"!!

"Nooo!! Leave me".

"What's the hurry, darling" Taehyung said coming closer to the younger. They were so close to each other that both can feel each others breathe. Jungkook's breathe hicthched when Taehyung suddenly leaned forward and kissed him softly. He was smiling between the kiss. Jungkook got shocked at the sudden action. Taehyung cupped his face and said "What happened baby, didn't you say that you love it when I kiss you. You feel like heaven when I kiss you and yeah what did you say, It feels like magic and yeah one more thing I'm the Emraan Hashmi( bollywood serial kisser) of kissing hmm"??

Now Jungkook understood everything, where it's all coming from. He understood that somehow Taehyung heard his conversation with Jennie. Now he was all red. He was feeling shy. He was struggling hard to get off from the elder's hold. He tried to defend himself "I...I don't know what are you talking about. I... I'm feeling cold now. I have already taken a long bath. I'm leaving." He somehow managed to escape from there.

But that's not the end. Taehyung was Taehyung. He followed the younger. Jungkook was dressing himself looking at the mirror. He suddenly got startled when the elder hugged him from behind.

Although Jungkook loved it but he started pushing the elder and began to request the elder to leave him. The more the younger pused him, the more his hold on younger got stronger. Taehyung came closer to the younger's ear and kissed it. Jungkook's whole body submitted. He felt very small under the elder. Taehyung kept on kissing him for sometimes and then he asked out of nowhere "You didn't tell me.... Do you really love it when I kiss you."
Jungkook turned towards the elder and bluntly said "Nooo". After this savage reply, he went straight to his bed and covered himself under the sheet. He was blushing insanely under the sheet. His breath was totally uneven. But it got more wild when Taehyung came and threw himself over him. Taehyung removed the sheet and snuggled closer to the younger. Now there was no any chance of defence. Jungkook was all under the elder's hold and the elder was not going to leave him at any cost.
Both were giggling and flirting. They were enjoying their sweet fights. Jungkook had always loved this homely and clingy nature of his husband. Taehyung kept on snuggling and rolling on the bed alongwith the younger. The younger kept on giggling. They spent their time happily.

In the morning, Taehyung was the first to wake up. The situation in which he found himself, made him smile whole heartedly. It was the most beautiful sight. His precious bunny was in his strong arms, sleeping peacefully. He took his phone and took a beautiful picture. God knows this impatient uncertain bunny will let him click this kind of picture in his conscious state or not.

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