You're Safe Now

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"Whales?" I repeated quietly.

"Like a killer whale." He explained.

"Well, that's not terrifying." My voice cracked at the end as I said it, making Tim chuckle.

"You got a problem with that, little soc?" Whales growled, stepping between Angela and Curly. I shook my head, looking down. My reaction made a few of the boys snicker and Tim glare.

"And you already know Curly and Angela." He finished. "The thief and the blockhead."

"Oh, you're funny," Curly spat, clenching his fists. "So, tell us what she's still doing here?"

I crossed my arms, still looking down. I had a good reason for myself, but it probably wouldn't take with them. Tim stepped away from my side, excepting me to answer the question. I glanced around at them, all, panic and fear rising in my chest.

"I was about to leave," I answered quietly.

"Then get lost," Curly said, waving me away with his hand. I didn't need any more encouragement than that. "Get lost" was a solid cue to leave. I turned on my heel and started walking, not looking back. I couldn't run fast, but I sure could walk fast when I wanted to. When I was far enough away, I slowed down. At least my head was clear now.

The breeze was picking up then, making me shiver. It hadn't been this cold when I left my house, but if I had any sense, I would have brought a jacket anyway. It kinda went along with the whole I didn't "use my head" thing.

Anyway, I was approaching a bend in the track, nothing new considering I walked this part of the track almost every night. But this night was different, everything seemed to be different since I ran into the Shepard gang a week ago.

It all happened so fast before it was over. The dry leaves crunched behind me, making me whip around. A scream passed my lips just as the man shoved me to the ground, putting a hand over my mouth to silence me.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He grinned sinisterly. I felt his hand trail up my body, roughly groping my breasts through my shirt.

Tears stung my eyes as I realized how helpless I was. Out on the tracks in the middle of the night, no one around to hear my muffled cries for help. I was trembling and crying, kicking and squirming effortlessly as he slowly unbuttoned my shirt with the hand that wasn't over my mouth.

"Stay still pretty girl." He smiled. "I'll only be a second."

He had a knee on my stomach, holding me to the earth as his hand slid up my skirt, moving aside my panties just before he went sprawling on the ground. I think any normal person would have gotten up and run away at the opening, but I was frozen to the ground. I lie there, looking up at the stars with tears staining my cheeks before I was wrapped in someone's arms.

"It's okay. I got you." Tim whispered soothingly though he was breathing hard and trembling just as much as me. "You're safe now. He's gone... I got you." He softly stroked my hair, holding my body close to his.

"I-I should have l-listened t-to you." I sobbed into his chest. "I'm-... I'm s-so sorry."

Tim shushed me, still softly petting my hair.
"I shouldn't have let you walk alone."

I shook my head, choking out another apology for my stupidity. Tim didn't say anything, instead, he whipped the tears away from my cheeks with his thumbs before pulling me back into his chest and brushing his fingers through my hair. I was still shaking and short of breath, and the knot in my chest that had been gone for a while was back now. But none of that stopped me from noticing how fast Tim's heart was beating against his chest.

The Stars In Your Eyes ✩ Tim ShepardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora