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noun: monster

Definition: A large, ugly and frightening imaginary creature.

Gates Definition: (verb) When it's time to not be good.


The girls woke me quickly by passing a café muffin under my nose. Eva wrote down my story from memory and I was able to perform whilst seated on a stool provided by Samantha. All things considered I don't think I did too badly. I got a good reaction at least. A standing ovation, a few handshakes here and there and several of the girls even gave me their phone numbers.

Okay maybe not that good. But I think we got a lot of people interested in the club. As some of the students exit the room I hear one say:

"Wow, I didn't know 'Die Hard' was based on a novel. I guess reading isn't as boring as I thought."

I glance over at Matilda. She grins back at me proudly. I give her a thumbs up. She gives me a middle finger. All is right with the world.

When the last of the students file their way out Samantha slams the door shut and presses her back against it making sure none of them can get back in. Her eyes scan over us all, finally resting on Margo.

"So, Marg... how many sign-ups did we get?" she asks tentatively.

Everyone looks to the Club President. She's flicking through the signature book, pausing like a game-show host. She pours over the pages, exhaling through pursed lips. "Hmm, well...," she says as she turns the book on its side and allows the pages to drop one by one, revealing the sheer number of signatures on each one.

"A few."

Each girl rushes over to Margo. They jump up and down, screaming their heads off in celebration. I would join in but I am still in excruciating pain, so I settle for a cheer which ends up sounding more like a groan of agony.

The excitement dies down and they all lean over the book, admiring the signatures like they were gold doubloons. "So many," Sam says with wonder.

"Wait a sec," Mat pipes up, "We managed to get this many signatures even after I knocked a guy out on stage and Skirt-Peeker fainted?"

Margo laughs, "I guess it must have just made the club look more interesting to some people. At any rate it would have been a lot worse had it not been for someone's intervention."

Once again the spotlight is on me. I'm getting a little tired of it. Sam notices my discomfort and laughs. "Haha, looks like you're the hero again, Sid."

"I'm no hero," the words slouch groggily from my mouth, "I just did what was necessary. Although you could say that I... cleaned up the hallways. Heheh."


"I don't get it," says Sam. I forget. They didn't actually see me beating up two Anime Club goons with a mop and bucket. I hang my head in shame. Margo steps over to me.

"Well, being that you've done so much for the club and that you're going to be leaving soon, I thought we should come up with a way to thank you for everything." Margo leans in and gives me a devilish smile. "So, I heard Eva kissed you the other day."

I shut my eyes and sigh, "Thanks Mat."

"Hey! Don't look at me! Eva gave it up willingly."

Eva's already about torn a hole in her costume's sleeve.

"Y-Yes. We were discussing how we c-could thank you and... well...."

Something casts its shadow over me. A sudden feeling like something is about to happen and I'm powerless to stop it. It becomes very apparent as all four girls approach and surround me; Eva, Mat and Margo in front and Sam at the rear, preventing my escape.

Fiction Club Vol 1.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora