I don't give a fuck how much Zayn begs. I am not going to the bar tonight. Cassie's friends are cool or whatever, but after today I am really not in the mood to play nice. And I know no matter how much we ignore each other, before the night is over we will be at each others throats.

I hear the door open on top of the narrow staircase and I assume it's Zayn, but when I listen for the footsteps they sound awfully light and slow. Zayn normally just comes busting through the door and lets it slam. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.

"Hello? Zayn?" A woman's voice calls out, the sound getting closer with every step,

Immediately I'm panicking. Who the fuck is down here? Maybe it's a distributor I don't know?

I quickly turn around to see the god damn pink head of hair come into view. Her eyes are wide staring at the millions of dollars in cocaine lining the walls, the chemicals, the hazmat suits hung up. She looks around with her fake looking blue eyes in awe, and I can't tell if she's scared or excited by the look in her eye.

"Cassie what the fuck!" I jump into her view, trying to shield her from the view behind me, even though I know it's too late.

She looks me up and down and then back over my shoulder. "You're not Zayn..."

"Oh really? No shit. Zayn is upstairs. Holy fuck you've seen way too much," I look behind me to the distributor still here, who's just watching with an amused look on his face. "Yo- can you keep an eye on her here? I need to get Zayn."

"No problem, boss." He steps over to Cassie who looks like she's stuck to her spot, still looking at the walls with wide eyes. As I run up the stairs, I hear the distributor rustling in his suit and immediately Cassie screams.

"Please don't hurt—" I get to the top and open and shut the door as quickly as possible, cutting off her pleads.

I search the store for Zayn, finally finding him in the break room, wiping down counters.

"We have a real fucking problem," I say, slamming my hand down on one of the tables.

"Oh yeah? We missing supply?" He replies absentmindedly.

"Cassie's here."

"Oh good, I told her to meet me here! Where is she—"

"She's downstairs."

Zayn immediately stops what he's doing and finally looks at me. "Like, downstairs downstairs?"

"Yeah, man. She's literally in the fucking basement with Jonah holding a gun to her head probably, waiting for us to come back. What the fuck do we do?" I clench my jaw and run my hand through my hair. Jim still hasn't even found out about the lamp situation with her, and now this? Now he's really going to kill me.

"I mean it's simple, we just threaten to kill her if she rats. It's probably not hard to figure out we have connections, she'd believe us. I'm sure Jim wouldn't hesitate to have someone make it look like an accident if he needed to. It's fine. We're cool." Zayn is always so relaxed about everything, but I honestly think he's just so full of himself that he doesn't think it's possible to fail.

"Looks like it's over for you two. Bummer," I give him a fake sad look.

"Maybe not," he grins at me. "Maybe she's into that."

"Keep dreaming."

We get to the basement and as soon as I open the door I can hear quiet crying coming from Cassie. As we get into view, I see her crouched on the ground with Jonah next to her, holding a gun to her head as suspected and gripping her arm.

Voodoo [H.S.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora