Luminous Asmodeus

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Name: Luminous Asmodues

Race: Pure blooded devil

Gender: Female

Age: 1000+

Other names:
Princess of Darkness
Queen of nightmares
Gothic Princess of the night

Hair colour: Raven black

Eye colour: crimson

Equipment and abilities:
Shadow Lord of Dark desire
Lust manipulation

Asmodeus (grandfather)
Damaidosu Zereikel Asmodeus (father)
Creuserey Asmodeus (younger half-brother)
Ryu Hyoudou (husband)

Asmodeus clan

Status: Deceased

Super class devil
Ultimate class devil (formerly)

Luminous Asmodeus was a member of the Asmodeus clan and one of the super devils. The second after Rizevim. She was the granddaughter of the original Asmodeus and wife of Ryu Hyoudou.


Luminous has the appearance of a gorgeous youth lady in her late teens with long midnight black hair in twin tails

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Luminous has the appearance of a gorgeous youth lady in her late teens with long midnight black hair in twin tails. She has very pale skin and glowing crimson eyes. She usually wears a gothic style high school uniform along with two cross earrings.

Many stated that she out of all descendants of Asmodeus shares the most resemblance.

Personality: Luminous is considered by many a scary person as she excludes an aura that make many fear her presence. She is also very cynical having shown to not trust anybody apart from a few who she has known her entire life. She is also considered a crazy battle maniac as she joined many battle fields in the great war, dispite normally descendants of the devil king never joining the war and even instigating fights for fun. She also loves to torment others and bully her younger brother Creuserey, showing that she is quite the sadist like her grandfather.

She is very lustful individual in many aspects such as: sex (mostly with Katerea), battle, blood and her research. She hates peace and the idea of peace as she beliefs that true piece can never exists as everybody have different beliefs and ideals making it impossible for peace to ever exists unless they become corrupted government.

She greatly adores Katerea Leviathan as Luminous was her role model as she often acted as her teacher. She also later has shown to have a lesbian relation with Katerea as well as other women who luminous lusted over.

She later in her life fell in love with her rival in war, Ryu Hyoudou who was a very high member of the church and even was willing to risk her position in the Underworld for her relationship with him.

History: Luminous is the oldest grandchild of the devil king Asmodeus. She was raised by her grandfather who taught her personally how to be a ruler from a young age. Luminous quickly rose through the ranks as a prodigy and eventually reaches the title of super devil after a few centuries. She was considered by many devils even by the Satans as the one who would bring the devils to victory as not only is her power immense to the point she could rival Rizevim. She is also a very cunning war strategist.

In her long life, she has raised Katerea Leviathan who she played as the role model. She also fought against the angels a couple of times, having faced Gabriel in a one on one fight and forcing the Seraph to retreat along with her armies.

She stayed at the front lines in the great war for centuries until she met Ryu Hyoudou. Humanity strongest human and the so called "Weapon of god". Both prodigies fought each other in battle for centuries, having started a great rivalry between each other. But after hundred of years fighting against each other. Both started to develop feelings for each other. Eventually both stopped their battle and secretly married each other.

Luminous later hid with the help of her grandfather who supported her relationship with Ryu however in the end of the war. It was confirmed that she died along with her husband. However the cause is still unknown.

Powers and abilities:

Immense demonic power: as a descendant of the original Asmodeus. Luminous was born with incredible amount of demonic power. However, thanks to Luminious perfecting her clan's signature demonic power and constant training when she was young. She soon attained super devil level power. She is stated to be on par with Rizevim Livan Lucifer, but out of the two Luminous is the more talented fighter.

Shadow Lord of Dark desire: as a member of the Asmodeus clan. Luminous can use the unique demonic power of shadow and darkness manipulation. Luminous talent with this power is greater than Asmodeus himself. She is also the only one who truly discovered the capabilities of her technique.

Dark queen of the nightmarish dream: is a very advanced technique that Luminious created that allows her to bend reality within a certain range and have complete control within it. Those she has imprisoned in the barrier, are completely at her mercy as she can alter the flow of time of within the barrier as well as bringing someone's greatest fear alive. The only person who survived this technique is Ryu Hyoudou.

Lust manipulation: Luminous is the only other descendant of her clan apart from her grandfather who has shown to have the ability to manipulate the element of lust. She is shown to be very skilled with this as she tempted many angels to falling from grace by using this power.


Luminous means brilliant/bright

The idea of Luminious comes from Luminous Valentine from that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

Luminous is the second super devil in existence. The first being Rizevim.

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