Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes, blinded by the brightness that took over. I had to blink a few times to get my bearings and when I did, I was in complete awe at what I saw.

This place was beautiful, and it most certainly wasn't earth which meant I was in Itri's memories, on his home planet, Venstri. The terrain was vast and open, there are three suns in the sky, a deep orange that was bright but despite the suns shining down, the sea of stars were very much visible scattered across the sky wonderfully.

I'd never seen so many stars in my life.

"Deimos, wait for me!"

I watched as two little boys zoomed past me, full of happiness and giggles. They yelled in a different language, but I understood what they said, every word. They ran across the fields and over the hills with ease, shoving each other playfully. I was there, but at the same time, I wasn't. I didn't have to move to follow the scene, it just happened. I watched the boys through a barrier, moving to see their faces and I was shocked to see that they looked exactly alike.

Both had black hair, tanned skin, nice sharp features, just like Nysa's mate. . .

That can't be right, I'm on Venstri and I also made sure I was in Itri's memories, not Nysa's mate.

The only difference were their eyes, the boy called Deimos had the strangest colored eyes, like a dark purple, Indigo really. Though I'm not one to talk.

While the other boy had green eyes, so pale they almost didn't look real.

"I beat you Itri!" Deimos yelled.

Itri rolled his eyes before he pouted slightly, "Not fair, you ran before me."

My jaw dropped, that's when it dawned on me. Deimos and Itri, they're siblings, twins. Itri is using his brother as a power source. Itri and Nysa's mate have much more in common than I originally thought, they don't just have different lives but they shared one. They share memories, meaning if I try to change or take away Itri's, I can very well change Deimos's as well.

This is bad.

Itri was once a star keeper, one of the most powerful beings in the universe but if he had that kind of power, it's only right to assume his brother had it too, just like Nysa and Halo. I can't do this to Nysa's mate, but what choice do I have?

The scene changed, and I had no control over it. I was meant to navigate on my own, but either Itri knows I'm here or somehow, Deimos is helping me see something I'm missing, either way, I watched with interest.

The boys were older, sitting at dinner table with who I'll assume is their father. I furrowed my eyebrows, they looked like him in a way, but their father was very dark-skinned, not to say he can't have light children, but the boys look white even if they are tan.

The boys ate silently, while their father would occasionally throw them a look of disgust.

"Pale-faces," He muttered, "Just like your mother, just like those earthlings," He spat at them, his words dragging on longer than normal.

"Mother was from earth," Deimos whispered, glaring at his father.

His fathers eyes snapped to his in anger, "You think I wanted some weak, earthling for a mate?"

Deimos's eyes darkened, "She wasn't weak! How can you speak so poorly of her?"

"She chose earth over her family Deimos, over you. She went back to those murderous savages, those power hungry idiots!" He snapped, gulping down the rest of his drink.

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