Chapter 3

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The note. . . it's all I can think about anymore.

When my death is coming, how it will happen, if Halo will see me die. I don't want that, I would hate for him to witness my death. It seems selfish thinking of myself when my team is counting on me, but when you learn about your inevitable death, it's kind of impossible not to.

A life is lost, our lucky Charm. . .


My eyes snapped to my mate's, and I gave him a confused stare, "What?"

"Did you say something, you were muttering under your breath." He chuckled, pulling me closer to his side while we walked through the ocean.

We kept our pace fairly quick, trying to get through as quickly as possible but it's a pretty long journey by foot and we ran for a long time before we started to walk. My thoughts continue to torment me everyday and I don't want Halo getting worried with everything we have going on.

"Uh, no, I-I didn't say anything just thinking." I forced a smile.

He knows me better than that, I can see it in his face as I watched his expression fall, "Are you alright?" I nodded quickly.

Just then, I heard a few soft gasps coming from ahead and just as I looked forward to see why my eyes widened and I smiled at the sight before me. A pod of orcas were swimming right above us, just as curious about us as we are about them. They clicked and whistled coming as close to us as possible to the wall of our protective bubble to study us better.

Fallon is the animal person here, able to control and communicate with all living creatures. The orcas must have been communicating with her because she had a serious expression on her face the whole time, her brows furrowing once in a while.

"They sense something isn't right with the world, they're nervous. They say the humans they'd occasionally see during their yearly migration were acting weird, as if they had no life in them." She said softly, putting her arm through the water to pet the nose of the closest orca.

"Itri already took control of them, how typical," Nysa said, rolling her eyes.

"He thinks he already won." Evander muttered.

We all were silent for a moment not really knowing what to say at that point. I wonder if he has our parents as well.

"Do you think. . . our parents. . .?" I asked, not even wanting to finish my question.

Erin balled her fists up next to me, her eyes changing color rapidly to match her mood. We all know about Amaya, but none of us know if she's alright. Carson never even got to talk with his mother before we left, he won't talk about it, I know he doesn't want to lose hope.

Erin emptied the contents of the cases that Amaya left for her before she escaped the S.F.S.B, putting them in her backpack. There were maps, water pills, first aid kits, and these vials filled with an orange serum. None of us knew what it was or what they were for, I'm hoping Carson figures it out in time so we know how it can aid us.

"They're fine." Ara snapped, picking up her pace.

Fallon bid the creatures goodbye and we all continued on with our journey. Even the animals sense the change and they're terrified. After the orcas, we noticed that a lot of the sea life was traveling in the same direction as the orcas, as if they were trying to escape whatever danger was behind them.

"I'll assume they're headed towards the Indian ocean, it's the most logical to get away from the Atlantic and the amazon." Carson tells us.

"Agreed." Evander said.

"Once we get close, I don't want us to exit straight out of the path where Itri could be waiting. Nysa, Halo, would you be able to fly us out of a different point of entry and take us to a further shore upon our arrival?" Ara asked the twins.

They both nodded, knowing they were strong enough to get us where we needed to go.

Adelaide and Nysa are the ones that Itri wants most. He doesn't know Adelaide has powers, but he knows what predictions were made about her which makes her a threat to his plan. As for Nysa, he has always wanted the star keepers daughter of darkness because of whatever power flows through her veins. We don't know what kind of power he'll gain from her but we do know finding out isn't on the agenda.

"I can always just teleport us-"

"No." Ara cut Nysa off, making Nysa growl in protest. "The more you use your powers, the better chance Itri has of locating us. Flying doesn't take much power, but teleportation. . ." Ara shook her head.

"How would you know exactly? You're not me, Ara. Itri knows we are on our way regardless." Nysa retaliated.

"Okay, but when we get there we need to be ready. We need time to rest and plan our attack Nysa and we can't exactly do that if Itri is there to meet us at the shore." Ara snapped back.

"Hence why I should just teleport us."

"I said, no."

Nysa growled louder this time, which ultimately made Ara growl, the two of them closing in on one another. Both wolves, both of them children of alphas, neither one of them wanting to back down.

"Woah, chill," Evander stepped between the two, pushing Ara forward so she can continue to lead us through the sea while Halo put a reassuring hand on his sisters shoulder.

"We can not turn against each other, it's exactly what Itri would want, especially from you Nysa." Adelaide said softly.

"Because of my dark potential, got it." Nysa snapped at Adelaide, making her frown.

"No Nysa, because he wants you on his side. He wants you, period. Don't make it so easy for him." Adelaide replied. "And Ara, you could have at least heard her out. Maybe teleportation isn't so terrible. One of them can fly ahead, and take someone with them, scope out the area and when they find a good spot, Nysa can teleport the rest of us there. Flying in actually might be more obvious than teleportation but both methods will alarm Itri regardless, so it really doesn't matter how we get there." Adelaide continued to reason.

She actually made perfect sense, and my lips turned up at how far she's come. This once quiet and timid girl has grown into someone we all look up to, even Ara seems to be considering her words.

"You might be right," Ara told her, pinching the bridge of her nose. She stopped walking, all of us following suit. "I think we've been traveling far enough for the day, it's getting dark especially at the bottom of the ocean, so lets rest for a few hours. I'll take first watch." She said.

We all put our things down, not wasting a single second of rest knowing we'll need it.

"I'll stay up with you," Nysa told her with a nod. Ara nodded back, sighing heavily.

That night was probably one of the most stressful nights of our lives, our first night on this mission. All of us scared of the unknown, scared for our families and friends, scared to die, but what's the point of fearing death if it's inevitable, especially for me.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you liked this chapter:)

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