"I went shopping today!"

"You went shopping?" You tilted your head. "Doesn't that place a toll on your health? Mentally?"

"Nah!" He unwrapped a chocolate bar and held out a piece of it to you, to which you took in your palm.

He swung his legs childishly at the edge of your bed, lifting his mask a bit so he could eat. "You really don't got nobody in your school?"

You shook your head, now holding the chocolate between your teeth.

Twice took the photo of your class out of the tote bag that hung off the wall. "What about... the one with blue hair and glasses?"

You shook your head again.

"Brown hair and big eyes?"


"Green hair and freckles."

You paused for a moment, noting his identity as All Might's successor, then shook your head again.

"Ooh, what about this guy with the candy cane hair? He's cool looking."

Candy cane? You peered at the photo he held and followed his finger to Shouto's face. "Ah... that's the one Dabi was talking about earlier."

"Isn't he kind of cool?"

"...Dabi. Away from my door."

"Man, I always hated that quirk of yours." Rather than moving away, Dabi opened the door and stepped in, his hands up as if you were arresting him.

You turned away from the two. "Please leave."

Dabi always had this look in his eye, like the door to his soul was on its last hinges, waiting to be blasted off by the flames of his cremation. As far as you were concerned, however, you couldn't see a single part of his so-called soul.

Simply the aqua flames burning in his eyes.

Something is ignited in him, waiting to be allowed to spread and burn. You didn't know what, but you didn't want to know. Not in this lifetime.

"Come on, man, have you gotta be so creepy?!" Twice scolded, his finger cartoonishly waving at the other.

You lied down again and turned over to face the wall. "I'm tired. Leave."

You heard the door close, then open again, then close. When you turned, both Twice and Dabi were gone. There was a plastic bag at the doorframe's foot with the chocolate and feminine products from Twice.


"I win." You placed two aces and two kings on the table right in front of Aster's two queens and two eights. "24-22."

"I think you're cheating using your quirk." Aster pouted.

"I have a much better poker face than you, actually."

"She does." Justin placed a plate of mochi on the table and you took one between your teeth. "What's this?" Aster wondered as he lifted the dessert.

"A Japanese snack."


You put your elbows on the table, thinking back to the short-lived headache you had a few hours before. It was less of a headache, more like a painful reset of the mind, like every thought had disappeared for a moment then came back.


"I need to go back to Japan." You got up and began walking up the stairs, which was a signal for the other two to follow.

"Hold on, Y/N, your time in France isn't finished."

"I don't care. I have a bad feeling."

"We're going to make a 14 hour trip for a feeling?"

"You know it won't take 14 hours with your quirk, Aster." You took the cloak off of the hook in your room. "Just send me there."

He clicked his tongue. "You're so demanding sometimes. You need to give me something to locate."

You held up the photo you kept on your nightstand and looked for someone to point at, then paused. "Hold on."

You picked up your phone and showed a picture. "Her." You grabbed your small blade and your whale earring, shoving them into the pocket of your outfit. "Aster!"

"Why would I—"

"Son." Justin put his hand on Aster's shoulder. "Her feelings seem strong. And you know what her quirk allows."

Aster clicked his tongue. "You better call or something so I know that I didn't accidentally send your body parts to separate places."

"I trust in your abilities."


"It is unwise to underestimate heroes!" Mr. Compress noted as his marbles released a large chunk of debris, knocking Midnight to the ground.

She tried lifting herself, but to no avail. So, she returned to the class of hope, lifting her hand to her earpiece. "Can you hear me... Creati?!"


"Are you aware of what's going on?"

"Yes, thanks to Jirou's sound waves and Shoji's eyes!" Yaoyorozu started looking around, trying to spot the threat—the gigantic brute that is fighting for Shigaraki.

"Since brute force won't stop him, put him to sleep!" It wasn't a suggestion, but a command.

Yaoyorozu let out a yelp of surprise, to which Midnight replied with, "Sure, you'll be breaking the law, but right now we're desperate! He must be sedated!"

"I don't understand, sensei!"

"Get the sedative to the heroes! And then.. get outta there! If things look dicey, save yourselves!" She thought back to when Class 1A versed Class 1B. "I trust your judgement!"

When she turned and caught glimpse of the assailant, she saw a flash of light. For a moment, she thought that this was it. She was gone. She was dead.

Until that flash of light crackled, then burned, and someone emerged from within it.

Her eyes widened yet she found no strength to speak.

"Hm." The figure adjusted their hood and turned to Midnight. "Looks like my gut feeling was correct."

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