Part 4 - A New Friend

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A girl idol? Was it that he was? It felt like overnight his life had changed. Sure, he had fans in Sweden too but Swedes didn't scream out loud by seeing him, it was nervous looking twelve year olds that asked for an autograph. It wasn't like this. He watched all the girls that stood outside of the building waiting to meet him and his co-star Landon. It was mostly just girls. He had shown himself in the windows to test what would happen and they screamed like hyenas tearing a prey to pieces. He felt a mix of adrenaline and fear but he also knew they expected Roman Godfrey, a role he had played for many many hours and could step out and in from just as easily as walking through a door. But it wasn't him. He didn't see himself as sexy or mysterious. He would probably explain himself more as goofy and with his head up in the clouds but social media had instead decided he was sexy. He didn't like to read it because he couldn't recognize himself in the words.

"Are we ready for this?" Landon asked with a nervous laugh.

"Nah, let's run to the fucking woods. I don't think we will survive otherwise," Bill joked. "But I need a smoke before this. I invited Cassie to this, she will be so pissed I exposed her to this." He continued.

Landon laughed and started to walk to the back door where they could smoke in private.

"So she's out there with the fans or is she with the media?"

"She's out there with all the girls. I didn't succeed in getting her a press pass."

Bill followed Landon and took out a cigarette at the same time from the pack lying in the inner pocket of his leather jacket.

"She's going to kill you. She couldn't be prepared for this shit."

Bill sighed and put the cigarette between his pouty lips and lit it.

Outside stood Cassie with her friend Lin. They had become friends at the fashion marketing program they studied at in New York. When Bill said he had a press thing there she didn't hesitate saying yes to his invite. She expected press people and maybe some fans standing in a line to get an autograph on a picture of him as that vampire. Instead there were hundreds of girls pumped with nerves and adrenaline. Half of them seemed to believe they had a chance with one of the leads. Sure, Bill was single now and had even become a bit slutty but he was way too professional to sleep with an eighteen year old fan.

"He's sooo hot and I love his little Swedish accent!" A girl said in front of them. Lin looked at Cassie and made a face.

"Are they talking about your friend?"

"I think so... He looks good I guess..." Cassie didn't want to confess to Lin how hot he actually was. It was too big of a risk she would sound like she was interested in him in another way then just friendly.

Lin looked at something by the door.

"Is that him?" Lin pointed to a white poster with two pictures of Bill manipulated together. He made a serious expression in one and on the other one he was screaming.

"Yeah, the vampire," said Cassie and tried to sound natural even if she could see how hot he was in the serious picture.

"He looks like one," said Lin but then continued to listen to the fans amused.

Cassie could see it too, that he looked like a vampire. The kind that teenage girls wanted to give blood to and then have passionate needy sex with. Cassie couldn't really recognize her Bill in the picture. Her pictures of Bill were just weird, with silly faces or some sort of pose or he looked tired at the camera, tired of her taking pictures. This guy was another Bill, maybe the vampire or that face he would now show to the fans.

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