Biting the inside of my cheek, I scolded myself; I already knew the answer, heck, I even encountered what I believed was one not long ago! Its disgustingly life-like eyes, hairy body, and it's too coordinated movements... It...couldn't have been anything else than a human controlling it. Levi saw it too, so he giving me that look?

Maybe I shouldn't be so blunt with my questions – especially considering the subject I was asking about – but the information could be vital. If that girl really was like Eren... what kind of bizarre promise did we make and... was it safe to keep it to myself?

His softened eyes studied me as I made sure not to fiddle with the odm gear straps on my thighs, gulp, or shift around under his gaze; anything that would reveal how much I dreaded the answer I had asked for.

"Is this about the most recent expedition? He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. I bit my cheek harder; of course he'd figure it out. Why was I even trying at this point?

"Well, it's...uh..." I frantically tried to brainstorm a suitable answer. Should... I have told him? Would it have been a good decision? Or... would she know?

Giving in to the urge to swallow the built-up saliva in my mouth I watched him attempt – and probably succeed – to read my mind yet again.

"Kind of." It wasn't exactly a lie, what happened on the expedition hadn't left my mind, it just wasn't the whole truth.

Levi looked past me to the polished glass.

I rotated my head to observe the spot he was so intensely inspecting. Although when I did, I wasn't met with a speck of dust I had missed, but his reflection.

His expression was stone cold, mouth pressed in a fine line. His dark eyes lacked their usual spark, almost as if he'd been reminded of something he would like to forget.

"Levi?" I tried, getting a low hum in response. I pressed on, "Has any new cadets joined us today?"

He frowned, finally returning his gaze to me.

"What?" He exclaimed, and I've never seen him look that puzzled.

"I saw someone earlier that didn't seem to be... a regular, so I thought she might've just started working as a scout," I explained, though it seemed to do anything but clear everything up.

With his mouth ajar and eyebrows raised Levi stared at me; almost as if I had spoken in morse code.

He swallowed, quickly snapping back to reality.

"First of all, if there were to arrive new cadets, it would have been announced long before they got here," He stepped forward – taking the cloth from my hand – stepping back with a low: "You won't be needing this," He folded the fabric and put it in his jeans pocket.

"Secondly, how the fuck does this have anything to do with titan-shifters?"

I crossed my arms over my chest.

How does this have anything to do with titan-shifters?

You see, I'm terrified of a short blonde cadet that may or may not have threatened to turn into a titan and blow us all up – while blabbering on about some kind of promise we made before I lost pretty much all my memories in a murder attempt, and now I'm discretely trying to find out if she actually was of any danger, and if what we both had agreed on was safe to withhold from everyone.

Did you get all of that?

I exhaled; I'm not sure any normal human being could take all that in.

Rotating my head slightly, the room's yellow wallpaper suddenly looked extremely entrancing; maybe they put it up while we were away. Or maybe it had always been there, who knows...

U̶n̶dying love ~ Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now